Jan 11, 2005 21:40
I was up most of the night last night. At about 4:30, I figured I'd stay up an hour later and call a friend. Turned out to be 6 when I called. I hadn't talked to him in a long time, so it was fun to catch up. Whenever talking to someone, when I don't know when I'll talk to them again, I hate hanging up, or letting them get offline, or whatever the case may be. So he had to hang up on me, pretty much. I understood, since he was at work. But it wasn't all my fault, he was goofing off before I ever called. Tomorrow, I have to work 11 am to 7 pm. I'm not all that happy about it, because I have to work the overhead at church, and it starts at 7. I hope I get off on time, maybe even early, because I can't drive my car, so I need a ride to church. My car was supposed to get worked on today, but I haven't heard from the guy yet. I told him to call my cell, because I knew I'd probably be online, or if I was, I'd be paranoid that he'd call while I'm on here. I"m feeling restless without my car. I'm back to not eating a full meal or anything. I have been using the stove more, lately. Since learning an easier way to light the pilot. Without my car, I can't pick up food, though. That's frusterating. Anyway, I need to get going. That's an update on my life as of right now. Oh, and I hope later this week to find out about my other job I may be getting.