Lucky I still have this job...

Oct 25, 2004 23:40

Tonight was by far worse than last Thursday. This time, I ended up crying at work. I hate doing that.. I hate sympathy from other people... pity, more like it. I'd rather just show no emotion, go home and cry my eyes out by myself... I got really close to cussing at work tonight. If someone had said one more thing, before my manager said what he did, I would have. I would have blown up and no one would believe it. God's good like that... sending someone at just the right time. Oh, how many times He's done that these past three years at Taco Bell... Only because of Him I still am there this long. I would have walked out long time ago, if He didn't keep me there... either that, or gotten fired for ... well, whatever reason. Apparently something will be done tomorrow. I'm not expecting much... it goes on all the time. This isn't the first time, by far. People treat me like dirt, because I don't do anything. I'm too nice to retaliate. I just ignore it... or, pretend to, at least. People say that's the way to get them to stop... well, it isn't true. They don't stop when you pretend to ignore it... they keep at it until you do something, which, for me, is usually crying, or throwing something, or just plain screaming. I've experienced this with my cousins in Calif many times... they keep picking at me, until I finally do something. Anyway, I'll see what happens tomorrow... may post it, if it's anything worth posting. Anyway, I have to recount, once again, tonight, and what led up to my emotional breakdown to my store manager.

~ Deb ~
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