Update *gasp*

Jan 31, 2006 18:47

I've been kinda discouraged about the whole LJ thingy but I guess I'll try to keep it. I'm looking forward to tech club so I can enhance my webby skills.
*nerdish grin* We all most improve our inner nerd
*goes and reads history book* History is now my new favorite study. I'm not bannanas about learning about our goverment and the Reveloutionary War but history in genral is becoming uber awesome.I'm even reading more and more historical fiction novels. For those "readers" who are confused, historical fiction is a book based on a period in history. Like I'm reading this pioneer book on a girl who lives in the colonies. I just love learning about the past and how the fuctioned.

Oops! My inner nerd got loose!! Hey!!!! YOU! Freeze!!... step away from the brain.....Get back in the cage or else!!!!*motions finger slitting neck* Get in back in there!! *wrestles* Like there we go. *ditzy grin*

Inner nerd like has like been like blowed up or like whateva u call bein caged up. *flips hair* SoOoOo anywho,as I was saying, I got a really cute outfit at A&F! Can u believe that a top was only $40? I then got my ripped and bleached size 0 jeans for on sale for like only $50! Lastly I got my sexy purse for $200!!*screams* What a good deal!? JK

*gets back into charachter*
OMG! I'm cracking myself up. I now see what happens when you put some imignation and time behind your LJ entries!!
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