Sep 27, 2006 14:57
Can't believe it's only eight years old! Seems like they've been around forever; they're so much part of the computer furniture now. While we're on the topic, do you all know about all the nifty little Google add-ons? Everyone seems to know Google Earth (if you don't, go download it NOW! It's the coolest!), but I use Google calendar, Google mail and Writely regularly and have signed up for their spreadsheets and something called notebook, which I think is a kind of bookmarking tool, but I've never tried it. Google pages is a quick and easy way to create webpages. I don't use that, either, because I have Dreamweaver and know how to use it, but I tell my colleagues who want a website without the hassle to build one using them.
Oh, and I have Google mail accounts to give away if anyone wants one. Much, much better than hotmail. Trust me.