This world must really not like me! I'm so upset right now. (.>_<.) I just found out from
fuyunyaa that Kanjani8 has a new episode book out! I mean come on, it's almost Christmas time so I can't possibly get it right now because I need to buy presents, not the Kanjani8 DVD Spirits!! or the 2 Kanjani8 Episode books I don't have. I need to get another job right away. Yes, indeed.
I wish that I was more patient but you guys don't understand, it's really driving me nuts! I can wait for my Kanjani8 DVD, although it sounds crazy because it has my darling's solo. Forgive me that I'm calling Ryo-chan "my darling" but right now I need something to smile about. BUT, I NEED THE NEW KANJANI8 BOOK RIGHT AWAY! You ask, "why?" Well it's because I just read the little subtitile under Hiroki-kun's picture! And guess what it said? It said that they're going to talk about what really happened "that day." YES, "THAT DAY!" On top of that, they're telling us what's going to happen with his future. You see, I really need that book! I really need to know what's going to happen to Uchi-baby! *cries* I need him to come back!
Edit: 先程、関ジャニ∞エピソードBOOKの事でかなり大げさな反応をしましてすいませんでした。博貴くんの事がすごく心配なので、ちょっとemotionalになりました。博貴くんがもう直ぐ帰えってくればいいな。亮ちゃんもそしたら嬉しいでしょうね。(.^o^.)