HA HA HA HA HA In my previous post I acted all dramatic! Honestly, the NEWS quiz doesn't really bother me all that much anymore. Gosh, my LJ friends are such sweethearts! (.^o^.) To all of you who left supportive comments in my previous post, thanks a bunch. *hugs* I'm reallly okay! (.^o^.) I usually brush off bad news really quick, I'm not the type to get depressed or really sad. I need to stay optimistic and happy. LOL
I think that the reason that I was upset about that NEWS quiz was because up until then, everytime I took a NEWS quiz I've gotten Ryo-chan! Hence, I got frustrated that I didn't this time. Anyways, I took one quiz before that said that I was going to get married to Ryo-chan on January of 2006 and my best friend was going to be Uchi-kun. (.^o^.) That was a funny one, ridiculous, but funny. Wouldn't that be great! (.♥o♥.) A while ago, I took the NEWS quiz that was in Myojo and they were full of situational questions. I got Ryo-chan and that was my favorite quiz because they explained why I would be perfect with him. LOL Okay, I finished my translation of the episode, sorry I didn't get it up on Friday night. Right now it's passed 3AM here. I really wanted to finish it for you guys so I stayed up till I finished it. Here it is:
From 『ぐっと!NEWS』 - 重すぎる錦戸クンの愛? (Nishikido-kun's love is getting to me too much?)
YamaP: I really think that we should forbid love between group members.
* Yamashita-kun stated his opinon with a gentle expression on his face. *
K-chan: I agree. When they're in love, it's okay but once they break up, it's a disaster.
* Koyama-kun expressed his agreement. *
Uchi-kun: Yeah but, how are we going to tell them? If we approach you-know-who with the subject directly, we'll definitely lose to his mouth.
* Uchi-kun joined into the conversation trying to think of the best possible way to break it to them. *
YamaP: That's true.
K-chan: Yes it is.
Uchi-kun: Yeah.
* All three of their gazes were directed towards one particular pair. Yes, the "Nishikido-kun and Tegoshi-kun Couple." *
~ Part 2: Nishikido-kun's passionate declaration: "I love Tegoshi♥" ~
Ryo-chan: I really do love Tegoshi♥ If he weren't around, I would have quit NEWS and just stayed in Kanjani8.
* We don't really know how serious he was when he said this, (← Come on, he must be kidding!) but it's quite obvious to everyone that Tegoshi-kun is Nishikido-kun's favorite. *
Ryo-chan: He is so adorable, I can't help it♥♥ When we had Summary, I got very worried, I thought, "Is he going to get bullied by KAT-TUN?"
* Nishikido-kun got a lot of attention for his talented voice when he was in junior high, and what is his opinion towards Tegoshi-kun, who got picked to be in NEWS only 8 months after joining Johnny's... *
Ryo-chan: Hey, remember when I was a little kid, I got picked out of a crowd of people to do some stuff too? Well, it did take a few years for me to debut, but instead of getting upset about Tegoshi's quick debut, I actually was more concerned for the Cinderella-Boy. As I continued watching him, before I knew it, I started liking him.
* In other words, Nishikido-kun has been keeping a watchful eye on Tegoshi-kun as a senior colleague and also as like an older brother. But if you talk to Tegoshi-kun... *
Teshi: Sometimes, I really feel the heaviness of Nishikido-kun's love. I mean, I think that he puts too much expectation in me.
* Tegoshi-kun, since you're going around saying stuff like that, that's probably why Yamashita-kun and the rest feel that you guys are already heading towards a catastrophe! *
~ Part 3: The "Nishikido-kun and Tegoshi-kun Couple" finally a catastrophe!? ~
Ryo-chan: (Angry) It's not here! It's gone!
* Suddenly at the rehearsal studio, Nishikido-kun began to raise his voice. Before he got to rehearsals, he was given some chocolate truffles from his previous job and he saved it, hoping to eat it at the end of rehearsals. When he eagerly came back to the rehearsal studio... *
Ryo-chan: (Upset) I was hoping to eat it later... (Yelling) KUSANO! IT WAS YOU, HUH?
Kusano: What!? I don't know anything about it.
Shige: It's... it's not me either!
Ryo-chan: MASSU?
Massu: I didn't eat it!!
Ryo-chan: UCHI?
Uchi-kun: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Ryo-chan: KOYAMA?
K-chan: I don't have anything to do with it! I wouldn't dare place a hand on your personal stuff.
Ryo-chan: YAMAP!
YamaP: Huh!? You even suspect me?
* However, there is one person left, who hasn't been suspected at all. *
In this episode, they have dialogues where they talk with their eyes and not their mouth. Hence, I'll use "[ ]" for those parts.
Everyone except Ryo-chan: (Looking straight at Teshi) [Tegoshi?]
Teshi: (Looking back at them freaking out) [Huh!? No, it's not me!]
Everyone except Ryo-chan: (Still looking at Teshi) [It has to be you, you're the only one left!]
Teshi: I had nothing to do with it!
* The group used only their eyes to converse with Tegoshi-kun and even then, it became quite obvious that the 6 member's suspicions were directed straight towards Tegoshi-kun. *
* All the members looked at Nishikido-kun thinking, "Okay, now let's get Tegoshi!" They were expecting Nishikido-kun to take action. *
Ryo-chan: Oh well, I guess I'll give up...
Everyone except Ryo-chan and Teshi: WHAT!?
* Nishikido-kun had surprisingly declared that he was giving up. *
K-chan: [Why only Tegoshi? Is it because he "likes" him?]
Kusano: [So, Tegoshi is not the culprit?]
Uchi-kun: [Maybe it's the other way around. Ryo-chan may have figured out that it really was Tegoshi and he's just waiting for him to come forth and confess.]
YamaP: [In any case, isn't it only Tegoshi, who is always getting special treatment? Most definitely.]
Shige and Massu: [No doubt...]
* The members started to whisper to each other and explored the possible reasoning behind Nishikido-kun's unexpected action, all the while staring at Nishikido-kun and Tegoshi-kun. *
Teshi: (Worried) Gosh, they've completely decided that I'm the culprit.
* Overwhelmed by the fact that everyone suspects him, Tegoshi glances at Nishikido-kun. *
Teshi: (Thinking to himself) What am I supposed to do? I need to somehow prove my innocence...
* Tegoshi-kun looks very troubled. *
* And suddenly, Tegoshi-kun's eyes meets Nishikido-kun's eyes. *
* Realizing Tegoshi-kun's surprised look, Nishikido-kun slowly mutters... *
Ryo-chan: You don't have to say anything.
Teshi: What? More and more, it's becoming a misunderstanding!
* Unable to do anything, Tegoshi-kun was overcome with uneasiness. *
Ryo-chan: (Looking at Teshi) [Don't worry about it. If you're the one who ate it, the one I love, then the chocolate is very satisfied.]
Teshi: Like I said, it's not me!
* Nishikido-kun gently laughed. *
Teshi: Please, speak to me!!
* At this point, Tegoshi-kun felt a complete KO. *
Teshi: No matter how much you love me, I can't go on living, if we don't fix this misunderstanding.
* Nishikido-kun's love never felt heavier to Tegoshi-kun than at that moment. So, what happened to the chocolate and what happened to Nishikido-kun and Tegoshi-kun's love? This story will continue into the next episode book. *
- スタッフNEWS
[Translated by Debbie-chan @ LJ]
joie_de_vivre3, see, your episode one! Congrats! (.^o^.)