お誕生日おめでとう、パパ♥ 25年記念日おめでとう、ママとパパ!!

Sep 01, 2007 00:42

Hey everyone~♥

College started back up again on Tuesday, so I haven't been online. How is everyone. (.^___^.) This year is going to be tough, since I'm trying to graduate Spring 2008. (.>o<.) I have a bunch of hard classes and I know I'll be getting less sleep thatn usual. Most transfer students extend for one more year, but I want to apply to JET this year and also not increase my loans any further, so ganbaru ne!! I wish all of you students out there the best.

By the way, I've watched the NEWS DVD like 5 times already. (.^O^.) The concert and documentaries are fantastic!! When I get time, I would definitely like to do a "translation and screencaps" post deticated to each documentary.

The Kanjani∞ calendars will be updated soon. I will be posting translation of Ryo's songs "Potential" and "code" as well. Must finish all my homework first. (.~___~.)

For everyone who is worried about Ryo quiting NEWS, I highly doubt he will. Whoever make up these rumors should really get a new hobby. いちいち変なウワサを作るのってそんなに面白い?それでファンって言える?新しい趣味みつけたら。Anywho, Ryo said in the NEWS DVD that he never wants to lose NEWS again. In my opinion, NEWS, which started as "North, East, West, South" has been reborn as "Never Ending Wonderful Story," so I hope they stay together for years to come♥

Tikal ( tikaru_ichigo), sorry for the really late birthday wishes, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you had a great one.

そしてもちろん、ルリッリー♥ ( nanaryuu) お誕生日おめでとう!! 友達になれてめっちゃ嬉しい。これからもよろしくね ★

Last but definitely not least...




お誕生日post, 記念日, Ryoちゃん (錦戸亮)

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