Long overdue rant

Aug 24, 2005 18:38

Long overdue update.

Since last writing in this thing, I'm still unemployed and now climbing the walls as I'd rather be out doing something rather than sitting staring at an empty Notepad with writer's block, I've had nothing from the college to say whether I've passed or not, which I bloody better have as I don't fancy doing Graded Unit again, been out on bus trips, mainly places with water, and stuck with artist's block with an art trade to do, go me.

I've been down at the job centre faithfully every fortnight and down to see the disability buddy looking for jobs and still nothing. Still my allergies are being a pain in the arse and stopping me doing anything. The allergy that was bugging me seemed to be hayfever (on top of everything else) and now I can't even read a book without my nose getting all itchy and I start sneezing. Which is very annoying as I was getting to some good bits and I've got about five books on the go. Though if anyone has any recommendations for books, then *looks hopeful*. I could do with more fantasy authors as right now I've mainly got horror and a couple of sci-fi.

Did make the mistake of going and buying The Eye and Dark Water the original. This was a mistake as given what I'm like with The Grudge, I should've just not bought them, at least then I'd sleep which is something else I'm getting bother with. Still can't sleep till 3am or 4 after staying up, usually since I can't sleep anyway. Seems this job crap is getting to me more than I thought it would.

The main thing is the allergies, the fact that all I can do is office work and no one wants office workers. Or typists. Not helping either I'm being constantly reminded by my mum of how I can't do these other jobs that are there, I don't need bloody reminding, I'm well aware of what I can and can't do. I am being bloody realistic with my job hunting. My allergies are always there, always something reminds me that I'll have to consider them before doing anything and I knew that it would be like this. I don't know why it's getting to me now, I've been expecting getting this bother. Fact I guess, that I haven't had so much bother from my allergies for years now suddenly their such a big issue when it comes to job hunting. Hell, who's going to want to take on the Allergy Queen to work for them.

I put my name in for some work experience for six weeks. The folk there go around work places, tell employers about whoever's looking for work and pays them £79 to take the buddy on. To me that makes me sound like i'd be so hellish at working, they have to be paid to take me on. Granted it does get me experience that I need as most jobs I've seen all want 2-3 years experience and I can't really bluff it. In all the time I've been job hunting, I've only had one application form and I'm underqualified for that. The other I put in for seems to be that they've found someone for their job, only advertising it because they have and not going to bother their arses sending out application forms to anyone who asked for them. Shites...Then again, welcome to the real world Debbs.

When not job hunting, been out on bus trips. Managed to get to the Lake District, Blackpool, Pitlochry, Loch Lomond Shores but still no Edinburgh as the damn thing was cancelled and the next trip was my signing on date. Was alright, could've done with more time at some of the places, such as the Lake District and Blackpool as in Blackpool my mum had the bright idea of going somewhere that was down past the bloody South Pier and one hell of a walk from the bus park. Lake District got on the boat, sat for a while and ran out of time.

Great...Now got a notion to draw...Anyway. Onward with the ranting.

Dreams are getting odd again, starting to get nightmares again, can't remember what. Well one I remember was to do with drowning in which I've had similar dreams to this and it probably didn't help that I'd been watching Dark Water before trying to sleep. Might explain a lot there.

Seems I'll end up back at college rate I'm going, then again, if I'm doing something I don't mind then it might not be so bad. Not like last couple of years they've buggered up the course royally, especially last year. In hindsight, we should've ganged up on her, said that if we didn't get the course we wanted then we'd go to another college to do it. And knowing how precious having high numbers are to the She Devil it might've made her listen, and considering the buggers who wanted Web Development all buggered off and left us with a crappy course we didn't even want to do. Should've done something about it.

Do have a notion to get to Glasgow, have done since wandering the Forbidden Planet website and finding a few nice looking figures. Never mind I don't know where I'd put them, I still like them.

Writer's block is starting to drive me round the bend, I could really do with writing something that I won't nitpick and actually be proud of. Like that bit of writing I put in here about the two visiting the grave of their brother, something along the lines of that. Problem being, I can't think and can't find anything that'll inspire me enough. Got a pile of stuff that needs finishing and I feel like writing something else, yeah, sounds about right.

Am going to Oban this weekend, more water. See if that doesn't help with writing at all. Hopefully will, might give me a couple of ideas, either that or go back to reading The Dark Tower, that seemed to help a bit. Problem there is I'm missing number 7 and it's not due out until November. Then again, gives me a chance to finish everything else I've started since deciding to get back to reading and look for some new authors. *hint hint, recommendations, anyone?*

Not as long as I expected it to be, but still been building up. Either way, rant done.
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