Sep 03, 2012 23:23
I'm sitting here staring at the Dragon Age K!Meme, I have been for a few hours now. I have internet on my computer at last so I can post that Orana/Merrill fic I've been working on. Problem is, I'm having one of my flails. I'm distracting myself by wandering everything I can think of, anything but post the first couple of parts. I can't even think of a good title and considering all the awesome titles I see on the K!Meme I just plain suck at coming up with one.
Sooo...LJ. Lovely people? Tell me I won't be mauled if I post this or will at least receive constructive crit if it does suck?
Edit: Also, I'm on Tumblr, have been for a while. So if a SarcasticPebble adds anyone on my friends list, t'is just me.
dragon age 2,