1. What are your views on tattoos/ piercings/ scarification?
2. Should they make an employer turned off in hiring a person with them?
3. How would a person know if that is the reason he/she did not get hired Vs. qualifications for the job?
4. Are there any jobs where you feel that these modifications are unacceptable?
5. Which piercings would
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As much as I dislike the negative stereotypes (ie, "punks") given to people with piercings/ tattoos, I still have some facial ones. I view having piercings like putting on a bracelet or necklace, with the only differing factor being that you need to place a hole in your body to hold that piercing. I think there are many that flatter the face and/or body, but it should be done in moderation.
I have two visible facial ones (not counting ears) and as much as I'd like to have a few more, I know I'd look overdone and there's only so much a person should do to enojoy the way they look. I believe if you get too many piercings/ tattoos that over a duration of time, the person will look at him/herself and regret all of these modifications.
Yet again, there are some people who are thrilled with them and the more the merrier. But I can't see even these people looking in the mirror and never regretting it for a split second.
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