For an attempt to attract more people to
debatification , I will post this topic without a lot of backup reading material. Your opinions will be based on what you think without me listing many online sources. So, it will go as follows:
As we all know, many third world countries live in life- threatening states of poverty to the extent of not even having sanitary drinking water. So here are a few questions to consider:
1. Should we (first world countries as a whole) feel obliged to help out third world countries with issues such as health, food, etc?
2. Should we (as individuals) feel obliged to help out third world countries with issues such as health, food, etc? Do you believe in donating to organizations such as the
Christian Children's Fund?
3. Though people in first world nations claim to be in poverty, most people aren't in the dire need that people in the third world are, so should people living in the first world be taxed a few cents extra for a
4. When voting for a politician, how important is it for them to stress helping out with the debt of third nations' countries?
5. What is your opinion on the American soldiers going to Iraq to help out their situation of rebuilding the iraqi society after Saddam's rule? Is it necessary or uncalled for?