Nov 01, 2004 05:53
finally finished my two papers for international media studies. that was such a bitch. but now I'm sleepy and happy (for being finished).
nanowrimo started six hours ago! *excitement* if I weren't so tired, I'd stay up and start working on my novel because I'm really excited about it. ritch is worried quite a bit about his, but I think he'll feel better about it when he gets into the groove of it (as will I about mine). I don't know exactly where mine is going, I just have vague notions (photography, drug addiction, coming of age). this worries me only slightly, as I have faith that the plot will open up for me as I'm able to develop it in my mind. god I don't think I'm even writing coherently at this point in my lack of sleep. sorry if that's the case.
it makes sense in my head, but then everything comes out jumbled.
I was janet tonight. wore bra and halfslip. in the cold that is iowa city right now. meep. it was fucking freezing. but it was worth it. you haven't experienced rocky horror until you've seen it in an actual theater. but now I'm worried that people think I'm this huge slut. it shouldn't really bother me if they do because people who would make that judgment about me without even bothering to get to know me aren't people I want to be friends with, but it kind of bugs me anyway.
I just saw the most ridiculous commercial for some sort of fitness video. you could obviously tell that the guy's head was pasted onto someone else's body. wtf? do people actually fall for that sort of thing?
I must retire for two hours to my bed now...I may as well just not sleep. but napage sounds good at the very least.
I miss reading The Hobbit. perhaps I'll have time to read it later today in between classes and nanowrimo-ing.