On our way back towards spring

Mar 10, 2008 20:55

I went outside today in... not only just a tank top and hoodie, but I didn't even have to zip the hoodie up! Oh, man, it was glorious.

Of course, the warm weather means that the streets of Kreuzberg are once again packed with people - often families of 6 walking slowly, taking up the entire sidewalk... but I digress. Sometimes the crowds bring fun surprises. Like today. I heard music coming towards me, and it didn't seem to be coming from a car. Confused, I glanced up - and found a group of three or four punk kids walking towards me. One of them was riding an adult-sized tricycle, to which he had strapped a giant, ancient boombox. 1980's style. Perfectly square. Silver. In retrospect, it could have even been some sort of home-constructed deal. I didn't get a good enough look. But the music was actually pretty good, and the kids were just riding down the sidewalk blasting it. I gave them all a big smile and wave as I walked by. I'm sure it was annoying to a good chunk of the sidewalk's inhabitants, but I think it was all in a spirit of fun, and it sure made my day.
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