Debate #2
brainlesswonder cargill relied too heavily on the theme of the Republicans using this issue as a ploy to score political points. While that certainly seems to be the case, it had little to do with his argument that their actions were either unconstitutional or unethical.
brainlesswonder successfully refuted that argument, as far as I'm concerned.
Debate #3
the_sicilian Both participants could have worded their arguments better, as they were both convoluted.
fireuzer failed to adequately prove that religion was a key factor in preventing crime/drug abuse, or charitable contributions. The debate went off on various tangents, some of which weren't relevant to the topic, but I feel that
fireuzer presented an argument that he failed to back up.
Debate #4
thechuck_2112 I decided this one on the three individual arguments.
thechuck_2112 won the first and third points, while
killtacular won the second. While I would be personally opposed to moving away from the property tax system to a sales-tax system of public school funding, I do feel it would help address address many of the funding problems the public schools are facing.
Debate #5
lovecrafty All that complaining for nothing...
Debate #6
princessmerbear Debate #7
imaybeparanoid Debate #8