Debate #1 - Never mind.
Debate #2 - While I wholeheartedly agree with
cargill that congress shouldn't have become involved, and that this entire case should be put to rest,
brainlesswonder showed how such actions, however deplorable to me, were within the rights and duties of the federal government. So BW wins.
Debate #3 -
fireuzer misintepreted a simple argument.
the_sicilian's spelling was atrocious. But in the end,
fireuzer gets my vote because
the_sicilian was unable to adequately show how religion is in and of itself a bad thing.
Debate #4 -
killtacular. Don't ask me why. I know, I gave explanations to the first two, but I'm too hungover to keep it up.
Debate #5 - I had originally planned to vote for
goatunit just because of
lovecrafty's whining. But then
goatunit offered up absolutely nothing of any practical value, and was handled handily by
lovecrafty. So LC wins.
Debate #6 - I guess
princessmerbear wins by default.
Debate #7 -
mrexcess had an argument that had both an internal alliteration and a hyphen. However,
imaybeparanoid had sections of bold lettering as well as paragraph breaks. So
imaybeparanoid gets my vote.
Debate #8 - Never mind.