
Mar 14, 2005 12:17

Debate #5

Home: lovecrafty

Away: mrexcess

Topic: Israel plans to strike Iran nuke targets - US response.

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Re: Rebuttal mrexcised March 17 2005, 23:53:54 UTC
My opponent thinks that the US should covertly support Israel, which leads me to the conclusion that my opponent thinks the Arab world is really, really dumb.

No, merely that those who will think this already think this, and will no matter what we do, such that it shouldn't really come into consideration.

It is common knowledge already that the US Department of Defense help Israel draft the plan of attack.

It's common knowledge that the moon landing was faked, and that Israel mistakenly attacked the USS Liberty. Common knowledge sometimes bears little relation to reality.

More importantly, there is only one possible way to make the attack: Israel must fly through Iraqi airspace, an act which will require US approval.

Assuming Israel isn't willing to violate another nations airspace to engage in the attack, and assuming that we cannot find any nation willing to participate along with us in faux-outrage. Neither assumption is warranted.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia will not grant Israel permission to attack Iran through their airspaces - The Saudi government would lose control of it's populace where it to do such, and the Turkish government would not only face internal reprise, but would fear retaliation by Iranian missles. So that leaves Iraqi airspace as the only means Israel has of reaching.

Neither country could publically approve of the plan. However, neither Turkey nor the Saudi government should be all too thrilled with the tilt in regional power a Nuclear Iran would bring. Effective diplomacy would convey this message adequately to the respective governments and might well facilitate an under-the-table agreement.

Otherwise, Israel can always take an indirect flight path over the Arabian sea and approach Iran from the south.

This means there is no possibility of allowing the Israel attack and being seen as neutral or oppossed to the attack.

I think you're confusing what is possible generally with what is possible for the current administration. They're not able diplomats, they seem to scorn the enterprise altogether if anything. For an administration skilled in diplomacy, this would hardly even rate as worthy of the title of "conspiracy". A nuclear Iran makes everyone nervous, Muslim, Christian, and Jew. If Bush didn't have the same effect on everyone, Iran would already be handled.

It was partially our plan, the plan cannot be enacted without our permission.

Every time a military operation goes down in the middle east, there are rumors that we conspired with Israel to do it. Hell, sometimes there needn't even BE an attack. Rumors like this make perfect plausable deniability. Who listens to a bunch of anti-semetic conspiracy theorists?

And as for Iraq being the only way into Iran, quite simply that's demonstrably false. There are paths from Israel to Iran that cross no foreign land at all.


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