Oct 25, 2005 15:01
today has been hella cool.
in homeroom we ate quinces (my homeroom is in the greenhouse)
in clay i glazed my bowl and told ashley i did heroin (you can still see my tract mark from donating blood)
in anatomy we talked about suntanning vs tanning booths
dans la classe française nous avons appris comment venir à bout Paris par le metro
in english we had to write an essay about a pilgrim from the Canterbury Tales and i made up a song about how annie wants to molest malcolm (hot stuff)
when walking out of the building i noticed that there was a sign in the cafeteria that said something like " Pickles can no longer be served in sandwiches since students have been throwing them around the cafeteria"
then i got called to office; maile called to say that we couldn't go home and that we should go to my granmother's so i did.
unfortunately emma decided to go home.
i got to my grandmother's and maile told me that a tree fell down and blocked our road and the firemen people said that she couldn't go under since lines were down too. they said it would take like 3 hours to clear the way.
so we chilled at my grandmother's house for three hours.
when we got home emma said that she was able to go under the tree when she got home. ugg 3 wasted hours spent idly at my grandmother's house.
i have like 10 other stories to tell about my day but i'm tired and my fingers are cold
ohh and i went to the spook-a-thon with tamara and saw KRISTA there. (hella cool)
"nora can i give you some sedatives to calm down?" ahhahaha that was HIlarious