I got another call today (Yesterday really sence its 2:30am)

Mar 02, 2005 02:31

The TV show is from Boston and they are making a new show (I dont know what its called, I'm to happy just to be on) about the biggest fans of diffrent celebrities. They are doing the first show on the Backstreet Boys fans and have been looking for people to interview for a couple of weeks now. The people they chose will have a visit from the them and be interviewed. Then they will go off and edit everything (hopefully I dont sound like a dork) and put the episoed on the TV. Come to think of it I dont know to much about the TV people or the Show... But I trust the girl who told us about it and the guy thats coming is her brother in law. I hope they will send me a copy of the show, I would love to see how cool/dumb I look. lol.

Well I got a call back from the TV people this morning. He wanted to confirm that the times they had planned for where good. So they plan on coming over monday at 6pm and talking to me for an hour (off camera). Then they want to interview my parents and show them teaching some people to dance to a BSB song. Then after thats done they will leave and come back on Tusday morning at 10am (....? am?!?!) and do my interview and go over my collection. I am going to have to get julie to get the day off so she can come over and do my on camera makeup. I look sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pale on TV so I have to have some makeup on. lol.

They picked one other girl to interveiw. Her name is Karen and she might be some good compition for my collection. If I remeber who she is correctly then she will have more Charity won itmes then me, as she has been to many events. But with all of my Uber-Rare stuff from the begining/before the BSB items, I do think that I have a great collection. Plus I have more CD's then anyone!!!! (at least I hope)

Sandy is having her malignant tumor removed on friday, which is a little scary, but I know she will be just fine. Oddly enough, due to the growth of the malignant tumor they will have to remove one of her ribs. ?!?!? Thats just weird, poor sandy is going to be with out a rib for the rest of her life.... I hope she remebers to ask to keep it in a jar. If they took anything out of me you know I would want to keep it in a jar, good conversation starter/stopper.

Tommarow (Thursday) I am going to see the Phantom of the Opera at the Masonic Temple. My mom and Grandma are taking me as I have no $$$. Its going to be really fun.... and odd. After last Holiday (christmas/thanksgiving) I havnt been really happy with my grandma. She called our house the day after my aunt Kathy over heard my Mom/Dad having a fight while talking to me on the phone. My grandma decided to basicly trash talk me when she didnt know crap about what was going on. "You need to help your mom out more, cus shes to stressed. Go do dishes and clean everything and this and that and some more of this and that." I of course was already doing these things and for her to yell at me for the crap my dad was causing was really crappy (can we swear on these live journals? crappy just dosnt get my point across). Its left a little bitterness inside that I cant seem to shake off. As everyone knows, I get a little crabby when people talk bad about my mom.

I miss hanging out with people, I hant been out much at all recently due to the shortage of funds. Jordan has stood me up 3 times over the last weekend and so I was really bummed cus I had gotten all ready for some crazy fun! Life is really odd, isnt it? You get all these f-ed up emotions that you cant control no matter how hard you try. They eat away at you untill you go nutty and then flip flop around to leave you lost. There are two people I really like, lets call them Melfos and Garmin (there real identitys are changed for there protection). Now its really an odd place to be in, as I dont think I could ever go out with Melfos/Garmin. Although other people I know think that I could, which gives hope, which in turn adds to the confusion. I of course would never ask Melfos/Garmin out cus I would want to lose weight (and other vain things) before I get a new BF. The crazy thing is that the more depressed I get from not asking when I want to the more I eat ( CURSE YOU LITTLE DEBBIES!!!) and the fatter I get. A vicious cycle that I seem to not be able to escape. :sigh: Sorry I'm just tierd and groggy from this sinus infection. I just dont like/am uncomfortable sharing personal things, I dont like dumping my problems on other people. Well I am going to go try to sleep again. Ignore my complaining.
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