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Jul 16, 2005 00:22

Just came back home on my flyback from Mumbai. The last one month has been one of the most hectic periods of my life. Called into a project which was in its final stages, I was asked to produce deliverables right from my first evening on the project. And to think this was my first project with the firm, with a 2 and a half month break after my convocation having softened me up.

Its been an incredible experience working 15 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not that I haven't worked this hard before, but I have never been under so much pressure to perform. This fortnightly flyback thing is a manna from heaven for me. Thought up some solution themes for my piece of the project on the way from the airport, something which my overworked mind failed to think when I was in Mumbai.

The flip side of so much work was that I could not meet up a single friend of mine in Mumbai in one whole month. Infact I desisted from giving out my mobile number to friends; it was getting embarassing trying to explain to everyone how messed up my work-life balance was. But to those with whom I spoke, I brought in a ray of hope and cheer into their "seemingly" miserable lives :-)

Talking of Mumbai, it was a pleasure to be back driving on Delhi roads again. The average speed of transportation suddenly improved from 20kmph to a whopping 70kmph. Not to mention a smooth comfortable ride sans bone-jarring potholes. Nothing beats Delhi roads :-)

Monday morning I'll head back to Mumbai. With all the tamasha of the core team visit, hoping for any succor this week is a foregone conclusion. Hopefully once this clears up, the weeks after those would be better.

End note:
While on my way to Delhi aboard Jet Airways flight 361, one of the flight stewards sat next to me during takeoff. I got chatting with him and the following conversation ensued. (To put the conversation in context, my elder brother is a Sr. Engineer with Jet Airways).

PA: We are sorry for the delay in the departure which occured due to late arrival of the aircraft from the previous sector
Me: I heard it was a major snag at the Delhi airport.
Flight Steward: Yes sir, it occured at the last moment and hence the delay could not be avoided.
Me: Yeah I know. My brother repaired it.
Flight Steward (with a aghast expression): No sir. I assure you, we have qualified engineers who take care of such stuff...
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