Jul 30, 2009 14:12
omg! summer is coming to an end. all of our overnight groups for the joe rush 2009 summer season is gone. today will be our last day group for a while. It kind of flew by! a big shout out to THE interns: tori and john carl!!! they made this summer easy...though i'm sure they know that i know it wasn't really EASY. but by "easy" i mean that i could actually go home at night and trust that things were okay. and by "easy" i mean that i could give them an address and a map of the house that needed painting and it would actually get painted. I mean that i knew they could handle whatever situation came up and that they knew when to call me. I heart them! and they could come back any and every year that they wanted to...only i know that there are much bigger, wonderful, meaningful things in store for them. (dang it, BOJ!!)
the end of the summer always makes me want to purge my house and office of all things unneccesary. for the last few days, i have gone through box after box and file after file in my office. it feels so much better to have less stuff! (i know, i 'm wierd) One thing that i found was a "bucket list" of sorts from when i worked at Camp Lee circa 1998. hahahaha. i laughed, i cried, i blushed. But, i am pleased to say that in the last 10 years i have completed six of the 15 items on the list... and i was able to remove two more due to sheer stupidity on my part at the time of the list. 'nuff said about that.
purging: good for the soul!
i am also pleased to say that it feels like things are moving in the right direction as far as the intentional community goes. This past year I had to take a "class" for ordination and in that class we had to do our genograms. that is kind of like a family tree, but starts with you and goes up through the past few generations and it goes a step farther in that you have to mark or make note of relationships within your family. It helped me see what i really already knew: that i come from a natural community. That's what i'm use to and love. it is what i grew up knowing and it gave me the strength to go wherever i felt called to, but i miss it and my soul longs for it. I love "going home" and believe it to NOT BE PERFECT but it is a glimpse of the kingdom.
anyone interested in joining???
phebe (urban ministry receptionist who i love and adore) quote for the week:
(while talking on the phone) well, where are the rats coming from?