
Mar 23, 2005 09:02

Okay okay....I really and truely do want to learn to crochet. I have this yarn that I have made and I wanna do something fun with it! Anyone have any good links for crocheting 101?

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Comments 7

elphaba13 March 23 2005, 13:51:19 UTC
try stitch guide. com.
they have a crochet section, with tutorial videos even.

although you may want the opinion of someone who actually knows how to crochet.


lrstech March 23 2005, 14:02:49 UTC
michael's has this kit that comes with all the necessary stuff and instructions. it's pretty easy to follow.

my mom has been crocheting like crazy lately. she says it's so relaxing for her.


kokobean March 23 2005, 14:02:58 UTC
I taught myself how to crochet using the website about crochet dot com


apeacock March 23 2005, 14:16:38 UTC

I didn't learn from here but it *is* a good site and the videos are cool....


firinel March 23 2005, 16:01:18 UTC
Sorry I can't help :/ I can only learn things like crocheting through doing them with other people, so I accosted family members when I was wee.


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