Jun 16, 2005 05:14
Fuck this. I guess I'm not going to sleep again. It's 515 in the morn and just like last night, I decided not to go to sleep. I woke up tuesday morning around 1030 ish and stayed up all day and all night. Never even took a nap. Stayed awake all day yesterday and still haven't gone to sleep. I know thats the stupidest thing ever but I've had too much shit on my mind lately to even care about sleep (which is totally overrrated btw).
All I've done for the past 48 hours is think about everything. I hate how when it rains it fucking pours. Theres about 80 bjillion diff things going through my head right now but none of it seems to make sense. I cant make ne thing fit together. My brain is forcing me to evaluate everything around me at one time.
I KNOW, how about I just stop thinking? ... well that idea failed miserably.
Last night was weird as shit. I really thought I was finally gonna get to have a fun, smooth running night. I was so off. Everything was going OK, I guess, until Frank showed up at Joe Muggs and him and Travis started arguing like mad to the point that Kendall left. I love Frank and I love Travis but seriously, you guys don't have a right to argue amongst yourselves about mine and Kendall's relationship. Thats between Kendall and I. Frank, I appreciate the fact that you care about me enough to "defend" me (defend me for what? I dunno), but that just made shit worse. I was on the phone the whole argument so I missed all but about 4 seconds of it. If anyone wants to give me a heads up on how it started and exactly why they felt the need to yell and eachother, give me a heads up.
After that retarded and uncalled for episode at JM, Lauren and I left to go to Jamies. Not too much was happening over there that Lauren or I were into. It was mostly just a bunch of glow stick toys. Lauren didn't feel so hot, bc she got her wisdom teeth out a couple of days ago, so I took her to her car and we split ways.
I then went over to Anthonys and chilled w him and Lynn. We watched rap music videos on MTV for a while. Lynn didnt seem too fond of all the rap music. We went outside to smoke a cigarette and Anthony came outside and told us that he was going to sleep so it was time for us to bounce.
Then I met up w Kevin Wes and Anna Donaldson and we went to the top of the Pickwick Hotel parking deck. We just sat up there for a while. They were talking about some deep shit. Shit about God and religion and shit about dying and what happens afterwards. Those r always fun conversations to have but I was distracted bc of my lack of sleep and my excess amount of thinking about other shit.
Picked up Bizza. Got a pack of cigarettes. Came home at 130ish. If I remember correctly I've been sitting at this damn computer even since then.
I guess I'm gonna go for a drive bc if I sit at this computer for 5 more minutes I might become catatonic (Damn thats a big word Deb). Where should I drive? How about Atlanta? DAMMIT I only have half a tank.