Aug 04, 2011 18:07
I hate pre-writing. I really do. The closer I think I'm coming to actually being able to restart my novel after all the reworking I've done to it, the more things I find I need to do.
The more backstory each character gets, and the more tightened the ideas become, the more backstory I think I need.
I'm going to be crazy like Jo Rowling one of these days with boxes and boxes full of crap. I've gotten to the point where I'm using a calculator to figure out years and ages and all sorts of crap.
I will never finish backstory. I will just keep coming up with more and more backstory until I have a freaking history textbook on a fictional world.
How do you know when you go from 'necessary backstory that the writer needs' to 'way too much, you have now gone crazy backstory?'
And I have a non-villain villain who really isn't a villain that I spend more time on than my protagonist and a real-villain villain that came out of nowhere and terribly needs constructed. Sure, he's got a name, and a motive, and sort of a personality, and cohorts, but I know nothing else about him, and that's an issue. Because I was spending so much time on my original villain that somehow he became not-a-villain and the other guy stole his place, which, you know, I guess is very villain-like now that I come to it.
I have at least three main character bios to fill out now and probably over a dozen minor character profile sheets all because I got a couple ideas.
Who knows if I have all my information properly organized? I have so much now that I'm looking for a year or a detail and it feels like it fell into obscurity for a few minutes until I remember where I thought was the proper place to put it before.
Pre-writing is work. I'm not even close to properly outlining.
I should have expected this. A five part series is naturally going to take at least five times as long as one.
PS - Anyone know any good rock bands out there of the MCR/The Used/AFI-type loud variety? I'm in need of something good to listen to while I do my prewriting and I find songs I already know distracting (Though The Used has been good to me lately). :(
on writing,
don't listen to me