So, this happened yesterday below my office window:
And, scarily enough, this is after the Hallowe'en parade crowd had started to thin. My town freaking LOVES this holiday. Here are two of
my favorite costumes from yesterday:
The cutest, sleepiest, most chubby-cheeked little bee ever:
I love that her dad was totally okay rocking the flower headband. That is an awesome daddy.
This guy always does something unique. This year was certainly no exception:
Last night, thanks to
sunbrae's suggestion,
I decorated the front windows of my house:
I think the mosters are adorable, and totally want to do those again. Also, I kinda love the spider, especially since I free-handed her.
All in all, Hallowe'en was pretty quiet on my street, I only got about 8 knocks on the door (each with about 3 kids). The final knock was an hysterical duo of pre-teen boys who had to regale me with wild tales of all the neighboring businesses who were handing out candy. According to them, the fire station is the place to go, as they "give out giant goodie bags FULL off candy!!" If their hyperness was any indication those two started in on the candy early and kept it up non-stop for most of the evening. I do not relish their sugar hang-over today. Hee.
The kittens were not entirely impressed with the costumed visitors. Penny would just stare at them from the couch, pissed that they had woken her from her evening nap, while Oliver (my normally brave boy) would take off running to hide under the bed at every knock or doorbell ring. They were very glad when I finally turned off the porch light at 9:00 p.m.
Hope everyone had a great Hallowe'en!