First read this bullshit. Bush wants to "redefine" the word abortion, because you know he likes to make up his own words. "Reuters this week carries a broad definition of abortion as any procedures, including prescription drugs, "that result in the termination of the life of a human being in utero between conception and natural birth, whether before or after implantation."
Okay folks! Throw out your dictionaries! Fucker, words are not tinker toys! I'm still surprised it doesn't include condoms because they do similar things, but I'm guessing you'd rather have babies than AIDS. Unwanted pregnancies by children are okay, AIDS is not. Got it. Look I'm all about freedom of religion and I can respect people who practice, but not when it interferes with my life. IT'S MY VAGINA AND UTERUS, YOU FUCKS! I don't want to do the fucking time warp back into the 1940s. Stop this shit or I'm going to be one pissed off atheist.
I'm married, I don't want to have kids, and condoms suck! Why the hell would I use a condom when I'm married anyway? "Sure just wrap the penis in a plastic bag--it'll feel great!" Fuck you, no it does not. Ribbed for her misfortune, indeed.
"Fuck" count = Only 4! It may be the only fucking I'll be doing for a long time.