Damn, its been forever and a day since I've updated here. I've been busy oddly enough. Usually I'm on my ass at home waiting for 12:30 to come so I can hang out with Cory and go to Game Zone. I think that I might be getting hired at Toy's R US. hehehe that will be fun. I'll get discounts on toys. I love toys.
Sharee and I are doing great as always except one little thing; She thinks I like her ex Amber because she likes me. Ummmmmm..... no. She's pretty and sweet and all but I don't like her like that. I hope she understands that I don't want her. Friday and Saturday I got drunk. I will never get messed up with those people again cause Friday was a bunch of drama that could've been avoided and Saturday Cory punched me in my eye and popped a blood vessel (cause he was "high and drunk"). *shakes fist* It didn't hurt bad but I had a slightly blackened eye from it and I couldn't see from the middle of my left eye over to the right. It kinda sucked. Sharee and Kayley aren't talking anymore. I think its kinda funny but I know and they know they're gonna start talking again. Sharee is trying to move to Arkansas but her mom hasn't called her back so it doesn't look promising anymore. I just want my baby to be happy and away from her asshole of a dad. It's going to hurt when she leaves but my baby will be better off there than here. I will get to visit her up there and she will get to visit me down here too so I think that it will be okay. She's gonna come back down here once she turns 18 and we're going to live together. ::smiles::
PuriTy is going okay I guess. Still the same old 5 songs but we have a new one we're working on. It sounds very Chimaira influenced. I like it a lot. The drums are way different from what the guitar is playing and it just sounds really good. ::dances:: I hope we go somewhere with this song. It seems like we will. So this is our setlist so far:
1) The Take Over
2) The Last Dance of the Dead Rose
3) Perfect Disaster
4) Goodnight Beautiful
5) Rot (Dry Kill Logic cover)
Seriously, everyone should come and listen to us practice. People give us adrinaline and we'll definately put on a show for you just as practice...
Oh and one more thing.....
Halloween show at Looney's Skatin Rink.... so far its PuriTy and Nagasaki Nightmare. I'll definately be sure to update more about it if anyone is interested. Just tell me.
Anyways, I guess that's it for now. I really don't have anything else to say except PICTURE TIME!!!
Sharee and I
PuriTy logo
Pretty CoRy