Tomorrow I go paid!

Jun 29, 2017 16:12

Yepp.. so you will be seeing more of me with different (140?) icons, and / or layouts. This will be a yearly payment thing. And, I am getting a used 3DS XL with a bit of wear and tear but as long as they play Pokemon, I am satisfied. =D

I am *still* trying to install the Sims4 for my brother, but it's hard going. I have a good file that I d/led awhile ago, and I partitioned my hard drive bc I want to run Windows 7. That, is turning out to be a pain in the bum. Hopefully I will do that to tonight.

I have this stupid song in my head "Steam" by Peter Gabriel. He was handsome back then... but I think everyone was beautiful in the 1990's. IDK what happened though. *raises upturned palms* IDK.

I am going to try and install Windows. Wish me luck my lovelies...

Sam out

peter gabriel, computers, nintendo

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