Stolen from Lunagypsy: )

Feb 14, 2009 09:44

This is kind of like the 25 things - except there are pre-decided questions and it's about you and your spouse or boyfriend, not just you. Come on, play along - inquiring minds want to know! ;-)

What are your middle names?
Marie, Giles

How long have you been together?
This June 3rd, it will be seven years and three years married

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Two years

Who asked who out?
It was a mutual thing. We were both friends in High school, and we liked each other even then, but we were with other people, and very nearly married other people as well. Thankfully, we finally let our feelings for each other come to the surface, and here we are, a very happy seven years later: )

How old are each of you?
He's 26, I am 27

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?

Do you have any children together?

What about pets?
We have two cats, two snakes, and lots of fishies

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Nothing really: )

Did you go to the same school?
We went to the same High Scool: ), and we met when we had a class together

Are you from the same home town?
Nope. He moved here from Canada when he was sixteen to Livonia, and my home town was Dearborn Heights before we moved to Livonia in 1988. Now, Phil and I have been living in Plymouth for seven years and we love it here: )

Who is the smartest?
Phil of course

Who is the most sensitive?
Me of course

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Red Dragon, Denny's, Taco Bell, Mcdonalds,

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together?
Salem and Toronto

Who has the craziest exes?
We both do: )

Who has the worst temper?
Hmm, we are both stubbrn, but I don't think either of us have had much need to show a temper.

Who does the cooking?
He does: ) We like to eat and remain living: )

Who is more social?

Who is the neat freak?
Um, neither one of us.

Who is the more stubborn?
Both of us!.

Who hogs the bed?
He always steals the covers: )

Who wakes up earlier?
He does for work, but on the weekend, usually me

Where was your first date?
Walking around at Riverside Cemetery at night: )

Who has the bigger family?
Me numbers wise

Do you get/give flowers often?
I just got flowers yesterday delivered to my work that said "Happy Friday the 13th". Hee hee, I have the best husband

How do you spend the holidays?
With family and eachother

Who is more jealous?
He is

How long did it take to get serious?
Once we knew we felt the same for each other, it was pretty immediate. We moved in together the next month, got engaged a month after that, and here we are: )

Who eats more?

Who does/ did the laundry?
He has been doing it a lot lately: )

Who’s better with the computer?

Who drives when you are together?
He does, most of the time
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