Friday: Saw Aeon Flux the Movie. It was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. The sort of bastardized Trevor Goodchild. His hair was the wrong color and he wasn't as megalomaniacal as he should have been.... actually, his brother was probably a better representation of the original character than himself.
Saturday: Went to the memorial for
Vala. I haven't been to a memorial in a while, but it seemed a little unorganized. Though we left after an hour or two, before anyone started talking stories on the mic. I felt pretty bad for Vala cause the food there wasn't even vegetarian and Vala was pretty into animal rights and veganism. They even put sausage in red beans.... the freaking red beans and rice weren't vegan! I hope that if people decide to throw a memorial for me after I die, they don't feel it necessary to kill other random animals for it.
After that me and ross hung out for a while then we went to the vegan meetup and there was.... I think 16 or 17 people there! The RSVP on the website only showed 12 with 0 maybes.... I should probably keep track of how many people showed up so I can do some statistics to help determine the difference between people RSVPing and people showing up. We went to Cosmic Cafe which is a new "vegetarian" restaurant that has mostly indian type food. At first I was pretty worried about finding something vegan off the menu, but after the waitress talked to us, she said most of the stuff can be prepared vegan which is pretty cool. I had the .. umm... it had 'Buddha' in the name.. and it was pretty good. I definitely like Cosmic Cafe better thant he restaurant it replaced which was "west lynn cafe". After dinner, a few of us (10?) headed down to wheatsville to hang out some more on the patio and a few of the new people had never been to wheatsville before, so I hoped they liked it and become a member.
Random picture from snowboard trip in Park City, UT: