Aug 31, 2008 20:11
Me and a friend had ordered tickets to see Wall-e in the cinemas today. Or so we tought.
Out tickets were ordered over the internet yesterday, which I did. Our seats were row 4, seat 9 and 10, in cinema-room 3. The movie was, as I said, Wall-e (in english, of cause.)
So, we went to the cinema, picked up our tickets and entered to find our seats.
On row 4, there was a boy seated in seat 8, and a girl in seat 9, which was my seat. I told them that they had to move, but the boy showed me his tickets, who confirmed that they had seat 8 and 9. So my friend and I then took seat 10 and 11. 10 was the seat I had ordered for her, and 11... well, we had to sit somewhere.
Before the movie started, there came two young girl, maybe 12-13 years old or something. They said we had taken their places, seat 10 and 11. We said that the boy and girl beside us, had taken one of our seats and they left and found a few other free seats. But after a while, these seets were taken too, and they left the cinema.
Right when the movie started, the girls came again, and said we had to leave. Apparently, they had talked to the cinema-people, who said that WE had to go and talk to THEM about this, which I don't get. Why should we talk to them, if these girls had allready talked to them? I refused to go, but my friend after a while, talked me into going anyway.
The cinemapeople found this to be strange too, because the girls had not talked to any of them, and the cinema was full, so there were no other places left for us to sit anywas. Plus, we had missed the start on the movie anyway.
After a while, with neither us, nor them, understanding a thing about what was going on, we got our money back, and agreed to go see the movie on Wednesday instead. But it still annoys the crap outa me. I really wanted to see that movie, and the two of those brat-girls really fucked up my whole day! And I who were in such a good mood because I was able to see this movie!
Don't you think this was odd? why couldn't the girls get their money back and see it an other day?
annoying complains