So.... I've missed like 4 days of school out of 7, and being at home seems like such a better idea. I've offically had enough, I can say right now that life needs to be a whole lot simpler (i think thats a word) I can't take all of the crap that i percieve but can't do anything about, i wont go into detail, cause i'm sick right now and cant stand
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Dude, I'm here for you man, I mean seriously, if you like run out and can't take anymore of that shit, feel free to stop by here. I mean, I understand so well what you're going through because I've been going through almost the exact same thing my whole life. Don't worry, you're not crazy and don't let any doctor, sibling or relative tell you you are. You're just going through a tough time right now and the toughest part about it is that nobody seems to understand what you're going through. Well I do. There's just so much going on all the time that you can't slow down for a second just to think things through. And when you try to slow down, the only way to do it is by dropping something else. It feels like your life is falling apart at it's seems and you only have two hands to hold it all together with. If you hold on to one thing too long, another starts to fall, and then when you grab hold of it what you were holding onto before starts to fall. And all you want is to hold things together and it seems like even the simplest of tasks becomes an immense chore because everything that you do requires you to let go of something else. And there's only so much of this you can take before it all buckles and falls apart. Like a sweat shirt that you keep pulling at the lose threads...
I wont let that happen to you though. I know what you're going through and I wont let it all fall apart. If ever you need an extra hand to hold onto those threads that make up your life, feel free to borrow mine. I wont let your life fall apart the way it's starting too. I'll be here for you, because that's what friends do.
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