Let the raving commence...

Jun 25, 2003 16:46

Hello... I haven't had the best week... with my sis being sick... and me having to stay with my grandparents... away from all of my friends, and then to find that I have to stay longer cause she was admitted into the hospital (fun yay) my only relief is that my grandparents bought Harry and the Order.. so I am able to read that. I guess i should stop complaining about this cause i have had some fun... went to the jays game last night... they were doing good in the series against the orioles...and when i get there they lose..meh they still are ahead... I was up till 2 this moring reading HP... me is finally having some self doubts... like all the rest of us normal people.... hehe harry has finally found someone to hate more than snape at school... man that taod woman sounds gruesome... I would hate to meet her *gags* she would be scary enough with all those doiliey and frilly things... but she has to have that weird quill... given all that stuff this book has turned out to be quite good, i just cant belive the way that harry and his have changed since the start of hogwarts... *raving* i don't have a structured way of writing this stuff.. oh well I hope that a few people get to read this such as sarah, amanda (Hows japan?), inge and meghan... i will email you nay way if you dont know that i hve this lj yet

Which is sort of funny since i told you all

well i must be laving since my dad just got in

I will post in when I can

Covenant (steve)
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