This Pisses me Off.

Oct 25, 2006 20:59

Okay well I've been looking around some livejournals and have realised that this is fucking annoying. The anti Gackuhai community. A few people have voiced opinions but I just need to Vent off this little notion of mine, if that's what you'd like to call it.

I Don't get it, what's with all the hate towards Gackt? All people have really seen is harmless flirting, all these people that hate Gackt are going off Fiction. FANFiction. We don't know if it's real or not real! The only way to find out is to either stalk or talk to them one to one, which I highly doubt ANYONE would do without getting caught.
I Like both artists and whatever they do is up to them but it's people that bash Gackt because of things they think are happening is what get's me. Ok so sure Gackt is a publicity whore yadda yadda yadda but he is an awesome singer you have to admit. This doesn't make him the lowest form of scum on the planet and he does have talent. It just might not be some peoples taste.

If people don't like GakuHai fanfics ... then don't read the bloody things! They're not real, Gackt and Hyde aren't gonna magicaly get together or something afterall Hyde is married. Also they're friends it's natural for them to hang out often. Come on I mean If you think about it it's like saying you and your friend are gonna get together just because your hanging out often. So I say leave them up to whatever, don't read the fics if your against them and remember they're fics by fans of them both, I'm sure the people who write them understand that it isn't gonna happen.

I don't get why these anti gackt people get this idea that He's forcing Hyde to do things I mean COME ON it's a bit far fetched. And All this Gackt's a Publicity whore and people saying he's superficial, ok maybe he is seen around a lot and is big to many many MANY people he shouldn't be disrespected! I mean he's a singer and he makes a living off it. Just because a certain group of people don't like him does that really mean he'll drop everything just for those people. I mean abandon his true fans and the money that let's him live? Um..I don't think so. So if your against Gackt fair enough, but don't hate him just because of the hyde flirting thing. I mean have a better reason please like..I don't like that genre of music, his voice grates on you or i dunno something like that but please make it GENUNINE.

I have nothing against Gackt to be perfectly honest. I mean I don't worship him or anything but his music isn't utter crap and he does have a powerful voice. Although I'm not strong enough to say i'm a huuggeee Gackt Fan. Whereas Hyde..well that's a different matter. He fucking rocks I mean His songs are awesome and I love L'arc En ciel so ^_^
I made this public cause I said so =^_^=
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