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Nov 01, 2009 23:28

so, it's november already. a lot has happened in the past few months. sometime in september i finally got hired. as the assistant manager at sunglass hut. so, not exactly a dream job, but i'm able to pay for some of my bills every month. luckily, i have an amazing boyfriend who is nice enough to pay for food and utilities. we also moved into our own place in boulder in september, which so far has been way better than living in the boat house. we live in a nice condo community that has lots of trees and pets and the buildings look like swiss chalets.

october mostly consisted of working at sunglass hut. things have been improving though. for both mike and i. mike has been freelancing for serac adventure films for the past year or so. early this fall they had a few things moved around in the company and they sort of brought mike on full time, although he's still being paid on a freelance basis. in a twist of fateful luck, i actually started helping out a few days a week and michael brown (certified badass, four-time everest summiter, winner of several Emmy awards) thinks im pretty cool and wants to hire me as their production manager as soon as they get fundage. it feels awesome to help out at such a small company and finally find something that i really enjoy doing and am good at. i kind of always envied mike for having his dream job, but now i at least have a shot at getting one too. traveling the world making movies? i can do that.

i had quite a bit of bad luck a few weeks back (to balance out the good.) my car died. my car died driving to work from training at a different sunglass hut. i was late and couldnt open my store on time. my regional manager had to drive me into boulder. my car needed a new engine. i don't have money for a new engine, or a new car for that matter, so mike and i decided we'd work things out sharing one car between us. the day after my car died, i drove out alone to get my things from my car in mike's car. after collecting all my valued possessions, i was almost immediately pulled over by a cop, told mike's car was not street legal (hmm no break lights, front bumper, or windshield wipers?) and would have to find a different way home. i had a full-out panic attack and started hyperventilating. i was far away from home, i was stressed that my car was dead, i now had NO car to use, and i had no one to pick me up. the cops pitied me, drove me to the bus stop, and even gave me money for a ride that wouldn't even get me close to my place. mike's car (in totally good driving condition) had to be towed to a place to get fixed. sadly the place it was towed to didn't work on jettas and we had to pretty much break into his car to take it to a new place. meanwhile i was riding my bike in snowy conditions for about a week. now the car is fixed and we're sharing it and things are working out. plus, it's better for the environment!

halloween. mike and i made our halloween costumes very last minute. he chose to be ghandi. it was a huge hit out on pearl street. he actually got mistaken for tobias quite a few times. i chose to be erik weihenmayer, the blind mountaineer (first blind person to summit everest!) erik is a good friend of michael brown, owner of serac adventure films, where mike works. i have seen many movies with erik in them. so, i am a fan. i haven't met erik, so i figured it was ok to be him for halloween. otherwise it'd be weird.  i had a huge one-piece snowsuit and my backpack and a climbing harness thing. i was pretty warm when we were outside. it was great. i had an awesome hidden pocket in my suit that ported my flask of whiskey. the first crazy thing was we were invited to a party where erik was at. that would have been awkward. well, i mean, he wouldn't be able to see me, but im sure it would get out somehow that i was him for halloween. the second crazy thing was that when we showed up to rock climb this morning with michael brown, erik was there! i got to meet him. i was so worried i was just going to spill the beans and say something like "hi erik, nice to meet you. im stacy. ... ... I WAS YOU FOR HALLOWEEN!" luckily i kept it cool and just shook his hand. in other news i did some awesome climbs today and look forward to climbing the first flatiron as soon as it gets less snowy.

oh, and mid-week we had a gnarly blizzard. like, nearly 30 inches of snow in like, 2 days. oh, and the best part (colordo is awesome) was the next day it all melted. no more snow!

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