(no subject)

Aug 15, 2009 15:37

An update on my life is probably long overdue. I've been focused on twitter and haven't put any effort into a proper-sized internet update in months. So here's a recap.

I got really lucky and got hooked up with a job from my friend Evan only a week after I moved here. It was at an identity theft startup and I basically monitored customer's identity for fraud everyday. Suppppppper boring but I liked everyone I worked with. Unfortunately, two months in they ran out of investors' money and had to cut back. So I got laid off. Being unemployed was both a blessing and a curse. It was rad sleeping in and hanging out with Mike at home everyday...buttt I was overwhelmed with fear of the future and an overall feeling of purposelessness.

My first week unemployed I spent up in the mountains in Telluride for the Telluride MountainFilm Festival. Mike got a short film he edited into the fest so we got put up in a sweet hotel and did cool things all week. Mike's short was played right before the first National Geographic television series on the first U.S. summit of Everest. JIm Whittiker, the first American to summit Everest, was in the audience!

Since then, I babysat Mike's 11 year old sister for a week (suuuuccckkkkeeeddd), was a production assistant on Mike's shoot at his mom's quilting shot out in Boise, went to visit my sister when she first moved to Dallas (that place suuuuuuucccccckkkkkkssss) and probably did a bunch of other things. Mike's loaded mother is building a new mansion house out in Boise (complete with ice rink and climbing wall in the basement) and she's trying to get us to move out there. I doonnnno, Momma Karen.....it's Idaho.

Mike was gone for most of June doing filmmaker things. He was an adventure film instructor at the Serac Adventure Film School up in Vail at the Teva Mountain Games. He will now probably be going on most future film schools, such as the upcoming one in New Mexico, Bhutan, Everest base camp, as well as potentially a 3-week one in China. Jealous? I certainly am. In fact, I prefer to not even talk about it with him. Hahaha.

In July I got hired by a temping agency. Since then I've worked at a capital management firm, a nursing school, a catering company, annnddd I just finished up a 3-week stint at Volunteers of America. I had a second interview with them yesterday for a Volunteer Coordinator position. I'm hopeful that I I'll get it, although I'm cynical enough that I feel it would be just my luck if I didn't. I have a second interview lined up for a manager's position at Sunglass Hut. I would hate my life if that was my job...but at least I'd have some dough. I had a phone interview for a badass job at OfficeMax, buttt the market sucks and a ton of overqualified people applied for the same job and I didn't even make it to the first interview. I had another phone interview with a travel company for a telemarketing position...which I think they want to hire me...but I know a guy that worked there and he said it was the worst 8 months of his life and he got fired even. So I have a few lame options.

The past two weekends have been awesome. We first attempted climbing Longs Peak and only made it to Keyhole. Very fun. We have a video project in the works that may or may not happen in September about our two friends walking from Boulder to the top of Longs Peak. Pretty cool. I got to help Mike produce one day in Denver for the Denver Board of Tourism. We basically shot a bunch of B-roll and I'm in like half the shots. Fun day. Last weekend was the Kansas mountainboarding event. A lot of driving in a short period of time. We were verrryyy dirty. Saturday was spent at Bodacious Meats for awards, then the Wellington Aquatic Center for a day of diving boards and pool games, then back to our friend Zach's farm for the Slopestyle and Big Air comps at night. The roll ins were built coming out of an old barn. It was cool.

Tomorrow Mike and I leave for our Wisconsin road trip. It'll be a long girl. We're lookin to get in some quality camping, kayaking, hiking, mountainboarding, and all things family. My parents got another puppy...a German Shepherd... so I'm excited to meet him. Right now Mike's up in the mountains shooting the Leadville 100, a bike race, where Lance Armstrong is competing. Pretty nice. Thennn in September, on the same day Mike and I celebrate our 2-year anniversary, we'll be moving into a beautiful apartment together. It's out in Boulder near all the nice things, and our complex has beautiful buildings, an outdoor pool, volleyball, and is right next to parks. I'm pretty stoked to not live in a dance club house. Or a skate park house. Which is what you get living with Justin and Ted, who blast loud music at all times of day through the speaker system that is linked through the entire house AND the mini-ramp in the backyard that is right by our bedroom window. I like the boys but I'm looking forward to it being just Mike and I.

So that about covers it. OH except that last week we finally mountainboarded in Denver, at our old spot, and I finally got some air. I just did an ollie over a small drop, but it was still cool and it had been my goal to do that for a while. I had a squirrely first attempt, then bailed one, then stomped 4 in a row.

That's my life.
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