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Aug 06, 2008 15:37

yesterday it dawned on me that im leaving here soon. usually the summer feels pretty long and when things get started again, im pretty ready. mike starts school on monday. (i cant believe that, especially since summer school ended last week for him.) this summer has been so positive for me and just nonstop fun that i never stopped to think about how much time i had left. im trying my hardest to not focus on when im leaving, and be happy in the now, but its not always easy. i love mike and sometimes its even difficult for me to be patient enough for him to just get home from work, much less have to comprehend what itll be like being out of the country for 3 months.

speaking of leaving the country, since this summer has been somewhat of a vacation for me, i havent even really started thinking about going to costa rica. its weird that i leave in almost exactly 3 weeks. im somewhere between neutral and not excited about going. i know that it'll be a great experience and i look forward to knowing how to speak spanish, but the being away from mike for so long, the not having ann going with me, and just the lameness of the structure of the program itself is kind of putting a damper on my excitement.

its storming outside like crazy!
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