Transferred Some of His Powers

Dec 19, 2020 20:53

Dumbledore says that Voldemort transferred some of his powers to Harry, the mechanism for which is later revealed to be the soul fragment lodged in Harry’s head. But the only power he ever singles out is Parseltongue. Were there others?( Read more... )

harrycrux, magic, harry, voldemort, author: sunnyskywalker

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madderbrad December 20 2020, 05:46:25 UTC
Well, what is Voldemort good at, and does any of it correspond with what Harry is good at?

Voldemort is attracted to evil.

Harry is attracted to Ginny Weasley.

I need say no more.

... and instead of blasting Voldemort entirely wandlessly, he makes his wand shoot golden fire for him, apparently without knowing any such spell (DH).

Wow, it's been so long, I've fogotten that disasterous bit of pathetic writing. At least I think it was pathetic, I felt nauseous when I read your sentence just now. Did Dumbledore try and explain that 'golden fire' thing in the huge Chapter-of-information-to-make-sense-of-everything-from-the-dead? Was there an official in-world explanation?


sunnyskywalker December 20 2020, 19:13:11 UTC
It would be so hard to figure out whether any of Harry's attraction to evil was down to Voldemort, learned from the Dursleys or Dumbledore, a tendency inherited from James... there are just too many possible sources!

And Tom only pretended to be interested in Ginny because she was the one writing in his diary and he wanted out ( ... )


oryx_leucoryx December 20 2020, 19:54:45 UTC
Now I'm wondering how many fics are there that seriously try to portray what Auror!Harry is like without Voldiepowers.


sunnyskywalker December 20 2020, 20:13:59 UTC
That could be fascinating. And if the Voldiebit gave him an all-around power boost as well as special powers, he might find himself suddenly struggling with spells he thought he'd mastered. Could be a nasty shock!

Which will probably make that Elder Wand look increasingly tempting...


nx74defiant January 3 2021, 22:27:23 UTC
Rowling may not like that explanation,

It does make much more sense than the explanations we do get.


aikaterini December 21 2020, 18:42:51 UTC
/Harry is attracted to Ginny Weasley/

But Harry is also attracted to poor Cho Chang, who's not connected to Voldemort in any way. Unless Tom also had a thing for Quidditch players.

Still...going by this train of thought, I wonder if this could also explain why Harry keeps calling the younger version of Tom 'handsome.' ;)


sunnyskywalker December 23 2020, 02:43:58 UTC
Tom does like flying...


oryx_leucoryx December 23 2020, 04:06:48 UTC
Harry also sees Sirius as 'handsome'. Can't remember how he described Cedric, but he also took some interest in him.


jana_ch January 14 2021, 05:50:33 UTC
I don’t think it’s explicitly stated at any point that Harry notices Cedric is handsome, in the sense of a line saying, “Harry noticed handsome Cedric Diggory standing beside Cho,” or something of that sort. But the fact that (a) Cedric is more than once clearly stated to be handsome (“extremely handsome” when Harry first meets him), and (b) everything but the two opening chapters goes through the Harry Filter, strongly reinforces the impression that Harry is notices good-looking males. It is, however, just my impression; I have no statistics backing me up.

I started skimming through Goblet of Fire to find examples, but I discovered that even being in lockdown has not made me sufficiently bored to re-read the whole book with any sort of attention. Perhaps someone who has GoF in searchable form can look for the word “handsome” and see how often it explicitly references Harry’s opinion. Or I can wait until I finish my mother’s complete set Angela Thirkell’s Barsetshire novels which I’m currently working on, then gird my loins to tackle ( ... )


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