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aikaterini May 4 2020, 17:18:42 UTC
/Going murder hobo on humans?/

If that's the case, then what's the difference between this class and Hagrid's? :P

/They spend multiple lessons on one creature because he lost faith in himself. OWLs? What OWLs?/

I think that it's clear that Hagrid's class has nothing to do with academics and is really all about giving Harry's friend a teaching job and some animals that might play a role in the plot later.

/Hermione might have a point about Trelawney's predictions her reaction was ridiculously tone-deaf./

Her reactions to Trelawney are not unlike Draco's reactions to Hagrid and yet only one of them is punished for not listening in class.

/For all dissing Ron gets from fandom, he has a much better emotional understanding of the situation than Hermione./

The only reason why Hermione is seen as more socially and emotionally aware is because she's a girl and gives relationship advice to Harry in OotP about Cho. She's remarkably insensitive and tactless in this book and if it weren't for Harry and Ron, she might very well have stayed the friendless girl that she was in first year. She could've been friends with Neville, but since he's not a member of the Trio, they weren't allowed to be friends beyond Hermione telling him what to do in class and looking for his toad.

/Harry being upset over not being able to go out with his friends is perfectly understandable… until you remember he is reckless 13 years old supposedly hunted by a murderer./

I'm guessing that it's because Sirius is 'out of sight, out of mind' at this point. He's a distant threat, but no more than that. However, since he was able to sneak into Gryffindor Tower, Harry could stand to be a bit more wary.

/I have a hard time seeing a 13-year-old being so excited about joke shop and sweet shop to act as upset as Harry./

I think that it's more about feeling left out. If it was just Hermione going to Hogsmeade and Ron had stayed behind to hang out with Harry, I don't know if Harry would mind as much.

/Remus goes around spewing total bullshit and fandom latches on it/

Because he's a 'good guy.' It's the same reason why Harry and everyone else latched onto Hagrid's words about Slytherin.

/he also brews potions for Remus and also doesn't force him to drink it in his presence. I sure as hell would stare him down until I was sure he drank all of it/

Looking back on this in the light of the Prank and Snape's Worst Memory...I really have to question if JKR was ever aware of how terrible they make Remus look here. Lupin's lycanthropy is supposed to be such a burden on his life that he went along with everything the Marauders did because they were his only friends. It's supposed to be his deep, dark secret that he could never tell anyone because he could get arrested or killed if anybody knew. And James is supposed to be so great because he saved Snape from being potentially killed by Lupin. Snape almost got killed and didn't or couldn't tell anyone about it, and then was bullied and humiliated in public in front of everyone by the same person who had to rescue him from Lupin.

And yet despite all of that, when Snape comes in to give Lupin his potion for this ostracizing, dangerous condition that almost killed him and could've gotten Lupin expelled or arrested or killed if it had been found out...Lupin doesn't even have the decency to drink the potion in front of him. He doesn't swig it down in one gulp and get it over with. No, he has to delay it with passive-aggressive remarks and have a whole conversation with Snape before he drinks it...why? Why is he behaving so casually about it? It's this terrible, horrible secret that could lead to Lupin killing people...but he'll take his sweet time drinking the temporary antidote. It's just so weird.


chantaldormand May 4 2020, 22:53:55 UTC
/If that's the case, then what's the difference between this class and Hagrid's? :P/

Teacher's fondness of creatures he presents? :P

/I think that it's clear that Hagrid's class has nothing to do with academics and is really all about giving Harry's friend a teaching job and some animals that might play a role in the plot later. /

I mean from Rowlings POV sure, but usually, she at least tries to pretend that HP universe doesn't centre around Harry.

/The only reason why Hermione is seen as more.../

Agreed. Hermione was handled very badly. There are so many ways to handle socially awkward character growing into themselves, yet Jo keeps Hermione at the relatively same level only adding up to her self-righteousness and risk-chasing tendencies.

/I'm guessing that it's because Sirius is 'out of sight, out of mind' at this point./

Eh, I would accept it normally, but in the next chapter, Harry gets even more whiny over people keeping eye on him so he won't get kidnapped/killed.

/Why is he behaving so casually about it? It's this terrible, horrible secret that could lead to Lupin killing people...but he'll take his sweet time drinking the temporary antidote. It's just so weird. /

I suspect it's because in Jo's brain SWM and the Prank doesn't exist. Yet.
If I remember correctly in this book either Remus or Sirurs claim that Snape hates James due to Quidditch jealousy.
So if SWM and the Prank didn't (in Jo's brain) take place there is no need for Remus guilt. Up until this point he kept away from humans during fool moons, but his current job forces him to be at Hogwarts and the potion is particularly unpleasant (probably more than in taste) so he is reluctant.


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