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aikaterini September 16 2019, 14:08:11 UTC
/I suppose he was too busy daydreaming about Tom to notice Petunia preparing house/


/Harry is resentful that Durslays force him to call her that because she isn’t blood relative/

Neither is Vernon. Then again, maybe the narrator's thought process is that at least Vernon is married to Petunia, while Marge is further removed.

/Harry, you managed to get one of the more gentle and child-friendly breeds of dogs to chase you up the tree by “accidentally trodden“ on his paw/

But when Buckbeak attacks Draco for casually insulting him (in the same book, no less), it's all Draco's fault.

/If Hagrid said such things while swapping Harry’s name with someone else’s/

He already did, when he said that the Malfoys have "bad blood" in COS. But Hagrid is meant to be the rustic type, not in any way resembling the snobby middle-class caricature that Marge is, so when he says similar things, they don't count.

/Many of them are about Tom’s pre-Hogwart’s shenanigans/

Tom must have had multiple incidents, including what he did to Dennis Bishop and Amy Benson. If the Ministry truly cared about keeping magic secret, then it wouldn't have mattered if Tom didn't perform them with a wand; they were all committed while he was surrounded by Muggles and he never gives any impression that anybody from the Ministry visited him before Dumbledore showed up. I guess that they weren't as vigilant back then.


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