There is so much wrong in the last two chapters that right now I'm struggling with keeping word count of my posts down. A good chunk of it tends to be focused on Tom's plans and Basilisk. A goggles idea is neat, but I would even accept classic mirror-shield or even towel wrapped around the handler's head. But then again, if you can't command Basilisk to, for example, close their eyes, you need some way of both being protected from it's sight and be capable of observing it.
Sure, Harry would do that only if he was desperate or as I suggested possibly to get rid of Snape (after all he hates him more than Voldemort). The thing is, if Rowling wrote her books well, Harry should be desperate here. Ginny according to Jo is supposed to be future Mrs. Potter and currently is sister of Harry's best friend. Because Jo passed over perfect occasion to start setting up their future romance, Harry doesn't feel much distress over the situation (other than worrying about being sent back to his muggle family, that is). In this chapter it's Ron who is active character, not the protagonist.
A goggles idea is neat, but I would even accept classic mirror-shield or even towel wrapped around the handler's head. But then again, if you can't command Basilisk to, for example, close their eyes, you need some way of both being protected from it's sight and be capable of observing it.
Sure, Harry would do that only if he was desperate or as I suggested possibly to get rid of Snape (after all he hates him more than Voldemort). The thing is, if Rowling wrote her books well, Harry should be desperate here.
Ginny according to Jo is supposed to be future Mrs. Potter and currently is sister of Harry's best friend. Because Jo passed over perfect occasion to start setting up their future romance, Harry doesn't feel much distress over the situation (other than worrying about being sent back to his muggle family, that is).
In this chapter it's Ron who is active character, not the protagonist.
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