14 HP Chamber of Secrets

Nov 16, 2018 18:13

Ch14 Cornelius Fudge

>This is the chapter where we meet walking stereotype of politician. I’m sure Jo will flesh him out in the next book...

>It’s so nice of Harry to remember Fluffy and Norbert, yet forget Quirrell.

>”‘Riddle does sound like Percy - who asked him to grass on Hagrid, anyway?’” Who asked him to tell on Hagrid? If Tom wasn’t the real culprit then it would be his duty to report Hagrid. God damn it...

>The translation still goes with “something for slimes eating his lettuce”. Good job translator guy, you are more consistent that the author!

>So trio gained potentially valuable information and instead of trying to verify it or do anything with it, they decide to SIT on it. Ladies and sirs this is the future government of British WW. +1 to Leap of Logic

>I’m kind of afraid to ask how plants throw party.

>While scene where students are choosing subjects is absolutely ridiculous it’s so true. Reminds me of myself while choosing high school. :)

>Aww, at least some people in Neville’s family care about his future.

>Huh, Percy’s advice is actually very good. Well aside from Divination.

>”Wood was insisting on team practices every night after dinner, so that Harry barely had time for anything but Quidditch and homework” Either Wood is the only maniacal Quidditch captain who forces his team to train or other teams agreed that there is no point in trying to compete with Gryffindor and Slytherin.

>Darn, that was one mighty panic attack. But why did Ginny wait so long? She noticed the diary on Valentine day, and now we are past Easter holls. Easter Monday was on April 12 in 1993! That means this scene happens about two months after Valentine day! If Riddle wanted to spill beans about your crush he friggin would do so ages ago... UGH. +3 to Leap of Logic +2 to Crime Count

>Yup Harry, your pocket boyfriend is missing. What are you going to do? +1 to FWBP

>”‘But - only a Gryffindor could have stolen - nobody else knows our password …’” Yeah, only Gryffindor students would know… along with teachers, potentially students who befriended with one of your house mates, boyfriends/girlfriends, students who were stalking Gryffindors/found a secret entrance to the common room, students who flew through windows on brooms… Yep, the possibilities are truly limited. +3 to Leap of Logic.

>I would think that slightly cloudy weather would be better for Quidditch than full on sunshine.

>LOL, Harry doesn’t want to report theft, because he is afraid of incriminating Hagrid instead of being worried what teachers might think about thinking book. +1 to Crime Count +1 to Leap of Logic

>Boys critically fail their rolls for perception. Hermione splits from the party and as such cements her time out.

>The plot is once again prolonged for stupid reasons.

>Sooo petrification of Hermione was coincidence or done to halt trios investigation?

>I swear Jo did another attack just to not write more Quidditch.

>”Harry was just mounting his broom when Professor McGonagall came half-marching, half-running across the pitch, carrying an enormous purple megaphone.” I see that Sonorus wasn’t invented yet.

>”All students will return to their house common rooms by six o’clock in the evening.” Pshhh. I see that auror!McGonagall didn’t learn much during her training or she would know that the best time to strike is in middle of the day!

>”I need hardly add that I have rarely been so distressed.” Nor she went through much of teacher training. Kids will eat you alive for less than admitting you are “distressed”.

>”‘Haven’t any of the teachers noticed that the Slytherins are all safe? Isn’t it obvious all this stuff’s coming from Slytherin? The heir of Slytherin, the monster of Slytherin - why don’t they just chuck all the Slytherins out?’” but what if Heir of Slytherin is Gryffindor/Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff and trying to push blame onto Slytherin?

>Poor Percy is in shock =(

>Sooo Harry’s main problem with attacks is that he would have go back to muggles. Oh my, you truly are not similar to Tom. At all.

>”Harry had inherited just one thing from his father: a long and silvery Invisibility Cloak.” Pff you mean that all money sitting in bank does not count?

>Instead of feeling safer with all those people risking their lives to keep students safe, our hero complains.

>If Hagrids’ tells are anywhere as bad during card game as in this scene, then I wonder why he even bothers trying to play card games.

>Fudge looks and sounds like he is reanimated political caricature. He probably came here straight from the Sun’s offices.

>Sometimes I wish that somebody like Havelock Vetinari was MoM. 4 kids, a cat and ghost lay petrified in hospital wing and no matter how you look at it Albus does nothing to stop this madness.

>”Ministry got to do something” is stupid argument. Why not just say that you want to question him due to his involvement in previous incident? +1 to Leap of Logic

>So let me get this straight: you can legally toss somebody into jail without proper trial and evidence? Watch out Potter, in 30 years you might end up in Azkaban because you cut your high school rival into ribbons.

>I don’t care if Lucius is behind CoS plot, considering how Albus seems to sit on his ass and doing nothing, he deserves suspension.

>Hagrid: “‘An’ how many did yeh have ter threaten an’ blackmail before they agreed, Malfoy, eh?’”
Lucius: Non! In fact Augusta Longbottom organised the meeting. She was worried that her grandson who is “almost all muggle” will be the next victim.

>Hagrids’ freak out makes him look even more guilty.

>Albus’ speech about loyalty sounds so pretentious.

>Aaaand this way Hagrid earns the title of educator of year 1992. A round of applause, please! Sending 2 kids into forest full of hungry beasts to speak with giant man eating spider is epitome of irresponsibility! Even his mentor, one Albus-too-many-names-too-many-titles-Dumbledore couldn’t do it better!+2 to Crime Count +2 to Leap of Logic

>Also Hagrid comes off as a total nut case. :D

Crime Count: 5

Death Count: 0

Freud Would Be Proud: 1

Leap of Logic: 11

Uncovered: 0

Spell Count: 0

chamber of secrets, author: chantaldormand, chapter commentary, cos, chapter commentary: cos

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