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jana_ch August 17 2018, 04:58:15 UTC
If Hermione wanted to marry into the Weasley family as her passport into the wizarding world, Percy would have suited her personality better than Ron. A few things are wrong with that:

(1) Percy is sufficiently confident in his own intelligence and knowledge not to be more than mildly impressed with her intelligence and knowledge, and therefore would not polish her ego any more than she deserves (which isn’t nearly as much as she thinks she deserves).

(2) Hermione as Percy’s girlfriend would immediately become the target of the twins and Ginny, as well as losing any pretence that Ron and Harry want her for anything more than homework help.

(3) When Percy eventually becomes estranged from his family for showing more loyalty to the legitimate government of wizarding Britain than to his over-secretive headmaster, Hermione would have to decide which she cared more about: Percy himself, or her hope of becoming a full-fledged member of a pureblood family. I’m not at all sure it would be enough for her to come grovelling back to Ron at that point.


chantaldormand August 18 2018, 09:51:12 UTC
Considering Hermione's type, either Bill or Charlie would be much better than Percy and Ron.
The main problems with this are: a) they are waaaay too old for her in Rowling's mind, b) just like with Percy they don't have self-confidence problems so she couldn't bully them into submission.

As for #3 on your list, I think that Hermione would try to nag Percy into reconciling with his family, unless he could prove to her that what Dumbledor's vigilante group is doing is very suspicious/illegal. Even then I don't think that their relationship would survive, because as shown in DH Hermione clings tightly to image Albus created for himself.


jana_ch August 22 2018, 22:22:13 UTC
We don’t know enough about Bill and Charlie as people to be able to say if either of them would have suited Hermione. And they’re only too old for her in Rowling’s strange and limited mind, not in the general thought of British/American culture. Indeed, for the male to be a few (but not too many!) years older than the female is considered ideal for a first marriage.


chantaldormand August 23 2018, 04:46:31 UTC
I didn't pick those two because I think they would suite her or something like that. I simply analysed how Hermione sees men around her and compared it with available Weasleys.
Who Hermione admires before HPB? Dumbledore, Harry, Lockhart and Viktor.
She admires Albus to the point, where her sorting seems to be influenced by House Albus supposedly was in and then during the same chapter she grills Percy about Albus' specialisation. Heck if I remember correctly in DH when Harry starts to have some doubts about Dumbledore, she is very quick to shush them.
So what those males have in common? They are powerful, brave, successful in their fields and (aside from our hero) smart.
While we don't know much about either Bill or Charlie, on paper those things are implied by their career choices.
I agree, in many cases a partner bit older than the female might be a good idea, but Jo's view on marriage and dating is odd. It's not old fashioned per say, but just... I don't know Hollywood-ish? what with all heroes being permanently paired off at the end of highschool? :/


jana_ch August 24 2018, 05:47:39 UTC
In my original comment I mentioned that Hermione might have wanted to marry into the Weasley family as her passport into the wizarding world. I mentioned Percy, you mentioned Bill and Charlie, so I was still focused entirely on her finding a Weasley to marry, not casting around for other possibilities.

Personally I think she should look elsewhere. In about ten or fifteen years she should find a nice muggle who’s at least as smart as she is. And at least as confident in his own intelligence as Severus Snape, so she can’t bully him.


chantaldormand August 24 2018, 20:04:23 UTC
/Personally I think she should look elsewhere./

So do I! Especially after she did some growing up.
Unless Hermione changes her attitude toward muggles and grows up emotionally/mentally, I don't think she should be involved with a muggle. Even if Hermione lied in DH about her parents, it shows that Hermione thought about it enough to consider it to be a believable lie thus any relationship with non-magical person is bound to be very unbalanced in department of power dynamics.


seductivedark August 19 2018, 13:17:44 UTC
I think JKR preferred people to date and marry within their own age group/grade level. Percy was too old. We're pretty much restricted by the author's preferences here. Percy might have been good for Hermione, given that he was four years older than Ron. She might have been able to look up to him with some sense of awe due to that. He also might have been able to gently guide her away from her Dumbledore worship, little by little, before his break with the family, while she would still be in with Ron and Harry and be able, at least I think so, of bringing reconciliation between the parties.

Another problem with Hermione dating Percy is that their dates wouldn't have been shown, and Ron would have had problems with her dating his 'stuffy' older brother. Ron's feelings would have influenced Harry, and the trio would have had a 'weak link' with Hermione. JMO.


chantaldormand August 19 2018, 13:24:13 UTC
I see another problem with Hermione dating Percy: Percy believes that Harry has a bad influence on Ron.
And it's not that strange, after all, each time Ron does something insane like stealing flying car it's while he is with Harry. If Hermione dated Percy there would be a lot of auguring over Harry. I don't think that their relationship would survive this.


nx74defiant August 26 2018, 19:44:36 UTC
their dates wouldn't have been shown

To have the trio mature and date outside their immediate circle would require looking beyond Harry's narrow viewpoint. JKR world building is very Harry centric and superficial. She doesn't bother to put that much thought into creating a complete world.


oryx_leucoryx August 27 2018, 18:01:21 UTC
Percy is 4 school years and barely more than 3 calendar years older than Hermione. I think the age difference between them is less than between Bill and Fleur. But Rowling wouldn't consider pairing self-insert Hermione with Percy, whom Rowling doesn't appreciate enough.


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