"By you, I was properly humbled": the Reformation of Lily's Suitors (Part One)

Apr 20, 2016 14:02

I posted this on Snapedom in 2008 or so; my apologies to those who have already read it.

A comparison of Pride and Prejudice and JKR’s romances between James/ Lily and Severus/Lily.
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author: terri_testing, meta, pride & prejudice, romance, james potter, literary comparisons, lily evans, lily, severus snape

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Comments 3

aikaterini April 21 2016, 14:37:05 UTC
I read this post originally on your LJ, I believe, but as a big P&P fan, I can't resist reading it again ( ... )


t0ra_chan April 22 2016, 04:24:34 UTC
But Lily clearly did not mean what she said when she reprimanded James in front of everyone. The fact that she had to hide a smile when watching James bully and humiliate her 'best friend' proves that.

Yeah, even Sirius says that Lily didn't hate James back then. Rowling herself pretty much confirmed it with this:

MA: How did they get together? She hated James, from what we’ve seen.

JKR: Did she really? You're a woman, you know what I'm saying. [Laughter.]

Another reason James is no Mr Darcy: even when defending him, Sirius has to admit to Harry that James never stopped hexing Snape, he just didn't do it in front of Lily.


a common misinterpretation terri_testing April 23 2016, 15:14:30 UTC
Oh! I've just been reading Allan Bloom's "Love and Friendship," and that's HIS interpretation of Lizzie. Confused the hell out of me, because the text clearly says she WASN'T attracted to him initially. But if it's a COMMON misinterpretation that of course she always secretly admired/was attracted to him, under her surface disdain... urgh ( ... )


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