A Harry Potter play...?

Oct 23, 2015 17:51

So it looks like there's going to be a sequel to Harry Potter, and it's a play. It's going to be mostly about Harry's son.

It seems like the biggest concern among most of the people on ONTD is the relative exclusivity of the medium, since a play is much more difficult to make time and money for than a book, and even if it travels, it probably won't reach every country where Harry Potter fans live.

There's also a concern that the story seems a bit cliche, and one very real danger is that it will come across as too similar to the main series. It's my experience that a story that attempts to introduce a "second generation" very often just ends up reusing the same tropes and devices that had been a mainstay of the series from the beginning. Another problem I can see arising is that the play might be caught in a conflict of how much time to spend on the older characters that we've been following for seven books and how much to include about the new generation. Since Harry Potter started as a children's series, any modern children will probably have an easier time relating to little Albus Severus and might be bored by spending time in the presence of adults like Harry; on the other hand, adults who go to see the play might be hoping to see characters they grew up knowing and loving, like Hermione or Neville, and so might be bored by the new characters they haven't had a chance to build up a relationship with.

In any case, it's hard for me to see how this play will necessarily improve upon the mythos (because it's not like we were particularly clamoring for MORE of Rowling telling you how to interpret her characters), though I suppose anything's possible. I really REALLY hope that the "curse" doesn't have to do with Snape's ebilness--leave the poor man alone why don't you!

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albus severus, author: sweettalkeress, family, reader response, cursed child, fandom, real life

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