Unrelated Thoughts on Geography, Pottermore, and Other Stuff

Sep 11, 2015 19:43

I have a few things floating around in my head, none of which really warrants its own post....

Is anyone in touch with her? If so, could you please let her know that we're thinking of her? I know she's had some ups and downs with her health, so I hope she's ok. I'm missing her essays. Most of her older ones are still available on hp-essays, but the newer ones were on her own LJ, and it looks like she's taken them down or made them private.

For several reasons, I generally dislike the new content on Pottermore, but there are enough nuggets of useful information here and there that I'm reluctant to completely disregard the site. I've decided to deal with this by treating many of the notes as though they were written by in-universe characters, rather than as "Word of God."  For instance, in Lupin's biography, I can pretend that the syrupy story about Remus and Tonks  - which basically shoots down any theories about Remus being queer ("He had never fallen in love before.") - was written posthumously by an oblivious Molly Weasley who never realized that Remus had previously dated men. In fact, Molly Weasley works as the author for much of the content. We even have a long entry on Celestina Warbeck.

Wizarding World Geography
What territories are under the jurisdiction of Wizarding Britain? Certainly England, Scotland and Wales. Almost certainly Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man. Probably all of Ireland, though that isn't entirely clear. But what about the 14 British Overseas Territories that are still under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the United Kingdom, such as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands? Or what of other countries and territories that were formerly part of the British Empire? Did any magical populations choose to remain part of Wizarding Britian, even if their Muggle counterparts became independent countries? I could see a small country like Barbados going that route. Did wizarding British governance expand along with the British Empire, or did it only include colonies established before the Statute of Secrecy?  Could Wizarding Britain have territories in places that were never part of the Muggle British Empire? These questions are mostly rhetorical. I've just been pondering what actually constitutes Wizarding Britain.

pottermore, wizarding world, author: danajsparks

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