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Comments 8

aikaterini June 20 2015, 02:24:46 UTC
/Mrs. Weasley: I just don’t know how Bill will ever marry now! Will that stupid French girl even like him anymore now that he’s no longer beautiful ( ... )


jana_ch June 20 2015, 13:39:45 UTC
I’m under the impression JKR inserted Tonks into the story because people were complaining about the small number of interesting female characters in the series. Then she didn’t know what to do with her. It turns out Tonks’s only purpose was to demonstrate that love affects one’s Patronus, thereby setting us up for Snape’s symbolic silver doe. And to produce a baby Marauder and die, setting Harry up with a symbolic orphan ( ... )


aikaterini June 20 2015, 14:15:23 UTC
/Clearly, women are important for only two things: love and babies ( ... )


jana_ch June 20 2015, 15:28:25 UTC
Tonks, Bellatrix, and Umbridge showed up all at once in Book Five. Before that there was just Hermione as a major female character. Molly, Minerva, and Petunia are classic female cliches (Earth Mother, Spinster Schoolmarm, Evil Stepmother), and decidedly second tier, if not third.

Of course there are only five major characters in the series altogether. Upping the percentage of females would have required Albina Dumbledore or Severina Snape. Which would you prefer? Wise Old Grandmother or Wicked Witch? Or both?


nx74defiant June 21 2015, 05:04:33 UTC
e used Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder to stop us coming closer! I can’t believe my brothers would sell to that awful Slytherin.

It would have been nice to see the Twins learning this and regretting it.

-Snape told us to care for Professor Flitwick while he went off to fight the Death Eaters. Clearly all he was trying to do was distract us so he could go up and kill Dumbledore.

He doesn't curse you, keeps you out of danger and has an injured man receive help, obviously evil.

I want to believe that Bill and Fluer moved away, returning 19 years later to help Arthur after Molly dies.

Just because Dumbledore’s dead doesn’t give me the right to disobey his orders! I will follow them to the grave if I must!

Because Dumbledore's plan has worked so well so far.


jana_ch June 21 2015, 06:32:57 UTC
If Bill and Fleur have been living in France for nineteen years, that makes the otherwise emotionally-incestous Teddy-Victoire pairing less revolting. All those Weasley kids really need to get away and meet people they haven't been attending holiday parties with since they were embryos.


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