Harry Potter Abridged! HBP Chapter 28

Jun 18, 2015 16:45

Snape: Well…we’d best be getting out of here now.

[He begins ushering the Death Eaters into the stairwell. Harry pursues them.]

Harry: Petrificus totalus!

Fenrir Greyback: Aaaaaaaah! [Falls down]

[Eventually he comes upon Amycus Carrow, who is menacing Ginny with Alecto’s help]

Harry: Impedimenta!

Amycus Carrow: Aaaaaah!

Ginny: My hero!

[Harry continues to run, eventually coming upon Neville lying on the floor]

Harry: Navel, Navel! What happened to you?!

Neville: [Slowly picks himself up] I’ve been attacked, that’s what! And my name’s not Navel!

Harry: You wouldn’t happen to have seen Snape, would you?

Neville: He went that way. [Points]

[Harry runs in the direction Neville’s pointing. At some length, he catches up with Snape and Draco, who are fleeing across the grounds]

Harry: I’ve got you now, Snape! Stupefy!

[Harry casts the spell, but Snape blocks it and sends Draco running away]

Harry: Damn you! You horrible monster! You murdered my angel, Dumbledore!

Snape: There are some things you’re too stupid to understand.

Harry: Call me stupid, will you?! Sectumsempra!

[Snape easily blocks the spell]

Harry: What?! How are you so good at blocking that spell! I thought only the Half-Blood Prince knew about it!

Snape: I am the Half-Blood Prince.

Harry: WHAT?!

Snape: Surprised? [Disarms Harry]

Harry: Aagh! You know what? Fuck all this! Just kill me now! Kill me so I can go be with Dumbledore!

Snape: No. I refuse. [Fires a spell at Harry that puts him on his back]

[But just then, Buckbeak attacks!]

Buckbeak: I don’t know who you are, but whoever you are go away and leave me alone!

[Snape is forced to flee]

[Meanwhile, Hagrid comes up to Harry, except that he’s now missing a right arm and a left leg, and wearing a giant spider leg around his neck]

Harry: Hagrid! W-what the hell happened to you?!

Hagrid: Acromantulas were involved. Don’t ask.

Harry: Hagrid, did you know your house is on fire?

Hagrid: Oh, yeah. It is. Let’s put it out together!

[He and Harry do thus]

Hagrid: You know, you don’t look so good yourself.

Harry: It’s Snape! Snape killed Dumbledore!

Hagrid: Snape killed Dumbledore?

Harry: Yeah, Snape killed Dumbledore! That’s what I said!

Hagrid: Maybe you should put some spoiler tags around that?

Harry: There’s no time! He killed my angel Dumbledore and now he must pay dearly!

Hagrid: He already got away. Some other time, perhaps.

[Meanwhile, all the Death Eaters have fled, and the students and staff are now on the lawn]

Harry: Oh, no! They’ve come to gawk at my angel’s dead body! I must be the first to lay eyes upon it, for I am the Chosen One!

[Harry finds Dumbledore’s body…]

Harry: Oh, my angel! How did it ever come to this?! How could you die and leave me behind?! Now who will tell me what to do and think?!

[He fishes the locket out of Dumbledore’s pocket…]

Harry: There’s a note. It says here…that this locket is a fake, and that someone named RAB took the real locket and hid it away?! Aaagh! My precious angel, dead for nothing!

hbp, death eaters, hagrid, sacrifice, author: sweettalkeress, death, devices, abridged: hbp, abridged, humor, severus snape

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