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aikaterini May 30 2015, 22:53:34 UTC
/Dumbledore: But, that’s neither here nor there. I hope that by giving you a ton of information about Voldemort’s childhood, family, and what he enjoys eating with his tea, I’ll better equip you to defend yourself against him/

Dumbledore: Instead of, you know, telling you what a Horcrux is and how you can destroy it.

/Bob Ogden: No, but seriously, you can’t just go around hexing muggles. You’re going to be taken to trial and face justice./

Bob Ogden: Unlike Rubeus Hagrid and Albus Dumbledore, who also hexed a group of Muggles. Or the Weasley twins, whose candy nearly killed one of them.

/That was the last Merope ever saw of them./

And of the Ministry officials. Because why would they need to go back to help an impoverished and abused teenage girl or check to see how she was doing? Now that her father and brother are gone, surely everything will work out.

/It would appear that insanity ran in that particular family. Blood will tell, and all that/

Making the whole bit about choices utterly pointless, since, apparently, Tom inherited his insanity and evil from the family he never met.


merrymelody May 31 2015, 10:41:17 UTC
lol, mte, if Morfin had just explained that the Muggle/s he hexed were fat and annoying, it could have all been sorted.
Or if his dad worked for the Ministry. Too bad the connections he tries to call on are Slytherin, and are therefore demonstrative of corruption, nepotism and prejudice, unlike when Gryffindors promote each other and their families. That's just blood telling, but in a good way.


oneandthetruth June 2 2015, 16:26:38 UTC
/That was the last Merope ever saw of them./

And of the Ministry officials. Because why would they need to go back to help an impoverished and abused teenage girl or check to see how she was doing? Now that her father and brother are gone, surely everything will work out.

In fairness to Rowling and the officials, I think this is historically accurate. We're talking about the early 1920s here. My mother is about 14 months older than Tom Jr. She has assured me there were NO government-run social welfare programs during the '20s and '30s. Granted, we're American, but even in Britain, they didn't have socialized medicine until after WW II. I've looked for info on when their other social programs started but couldn't find anything. As my mother has said, "There was no therapy back then. Oh, once in a while, you'd hear about some rich person getting Freudian psychoanalysis, but other than that, if you had mental or emotional problems, you got better, or you got worse, or you died." She also says, "If your parents beat you back then, they weren't abusive, just strict."

We know the magical people are far more backward than the nonmagical ones, so if that's what things were like in the nonmagical world, the magical one must have been far worse.


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