Dumbledore and the Spy in the Order

Jun 24, 2014 19:17

An idea sparked by Oryx's "Appendix B" post on the Order of the Phoenix during VoldWar I ( Read more... )

spies, voldwar i, remus lupin, order of the phoenix, author: sunnyskywalker

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sunnyskywalker July 2 2014, 02:02:24 UTC
I got the impression that Fenrir always had at least a few hangers-on in his camp, who might not have been on call as active agents for Voldemort but who would have pitched in now and then for the cause and to help a friend. Now I'll have to re-read and see what I was basing that on, or if I was mixing up the books with Harry Potter Wiki stuff that wasn't actually confirmed.

Modified scenario: in the first war, he only had orders to "try to make contact and gain trust," which boiled down to an occasional drink in a pub with a werewolf who hung out with Fenrir sometimes, and it didn't get very far before the war ended. So he didn't have the visceral daily experience of living with them or running with them at full moon, and HBP was still a big adjustment.

But back then he had let a few details accidentally-on-purpose slip as something the werewolf drinking buddy might take back to Fenrir to curry favor with the Dark Lord, which Remus and Drinking Buddy would both agree might be advantageous, and here was a way to help without actually signing any contracts. So Dumbledore might figure that Remus, not being a master spy, had let slip a little more than he realized, but it was still a worthwhile avenue to pursue.


hwyla July 2 2014, 04:35:04 UTC
I think the main reason I have trouble with the idea that Remus was asked to make contacts with other werewolves in VW1 is that unlike Snape and the DEs, the werewolves do not go back to 'normal' life when Voldy fell. To me, that means that it would be very suspicious for Remus to drop contact and then pick it back up later.

It isn't as if Snape ever 'drops' his cover in the intervening years either. But I think that Remus either needed to have been in contact all through the years or he needed a really good excuse for why he dropped them and now wants to return.

Of course, I think Remus DOES have a good reason to give them for joining up in bk5/6 - his loss of a job and the complaint that Albus has dropped him like a hot potato. I'm just not sure it would be enough to explain away his period of being away for so long. It might work however if he really was still in contact over all those years and was only away from them during bk3 when he had a chance at a job?


rattlesnakeroot July 13 2014, 20:15:56 UTC
Hwyla: This is off-topic, but I want to be sure you got my private message about HPN. Please check your messages. The first one I wrote has the wrong email address for Nicc - sorry! - so check the last two. He is the only one who can give you a new password. Also try to make a new account with another email address if he doesn't respond. You can use a similar name such as hwyla2 or hwyla_


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