A plea for tolerance?

Apr 18, 2014 11:52

Not sure quite what to call this - it's a comment I made on an earlier thread, where it was pretty deeply buried. I'm posting it as a separate comment because it's something I feel pretty strongly about.

Yes, I know - this is a sporking community. We are making fun of the Harry Potter books, and, at times, some of us can get quite irate in our ( Read more... )

tolerance, the author is dead, author: mary_j_59, jk rowling, harry potter, criticism

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mary_j_59 April 19 2014, 14:16:18 UTC
Well, yes, it is. As to the Joker - are you talking about my post from last summer, "Chesterton, Dickens, and the Dark Knight?" It's true that I could barely watch the Joker when he was onscreen, but that is, if anything, a tribute to Heath Ledger's performance. The Joker is a horribly effective villain, wonderfully written and played, and I don't do villains very well. He is the devil, the prince of this world, and all the cards are his.

But I'm glad you didn't diss me personally because of our disagreement!

And, really, that's all I'm asking for. Just that we keep it to attacking ideas, not people. As I've said, I do realize this is not a moderated community. For the most part, we do manage to be civil to each other. There are a couple of people who are very passionate, very insightful, and whose posts and comments I usually enjoy who have, however, sometimes disturbed me. They have attacked Rowling personally, not just the books. I can understand their frustration; I can understand their questioning her motives. There is a fine line. I would hope we could refrain from attacking the creator when discussing her books, but perhaps we can't. Perhaps all I can do in such a case is to bow out of the discussion, as you and Brad have both suggested.


vermouth1991 April 19 2014, 14:44:34 UTC
Hey, I'm glad we're okay on this! :)

I have my personal squicks and fandoms/books that I can't stand (while other people cannot shut up about), so I try my best to stay humble. You know, despite TDK being a PG-13 movie, Heath Ledger's take on the character was regarded by many to be the most brutal one seen on any media of the source material. It's perfectly normal to be spooked by it.


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